Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

Hmm they already changed practonium image

Oh new raid also drop practonium (it was there from beginning but without image).

ktest patch note

Holy ■■■■ those skill changed.


Sorry my english is not that good, new raid = new dg?

There is a new instance dungeon but they call it “Unique Raid”

it is a level 330 instance dungeon require 4 key per entry
no entry limit per day
you can find a key recipe from challenge mode boss cube (just ctrl+f then search challenge mode).

it is drop
all 350 recipe for new equipment need 2 practonium.

Ohhh, got it. Thanks for clarifying :slight_smile:

Hmm pure SPR for blind faith.

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From k-test patch notes…
Gun Stance wont be desativated using another skills


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Wait… what…?

o.o Panatic Illusion buff?

Also, you can use healing factor with immolation NOW! :prince:

Re-roll item stats

All Zealot Rank Costumes

That was fast… I thought they would keep the cancel stance because of the skill description, well I was wrong. But I guess that the stance will still be canceled by using an skill that needs to be used by an Bow/crossbow?

Well, at least open up some build paths

So, no nerfs on bpind faith. That is… Weird. I would like to plan my build around it, but after the nerf.

Actually the Blind Faith skill changed in the ktest database:
It says now “Additional attack by % of remaining SP”.
We have to wait the maintenance to test it. If it is real, means a big nerf. No more SPR builds.

Oh, so it was nerf down to % remaining SP instead. Interesting. I guess no more SPR build? xD

Gun Stance patch (k-test)

Humn, increasing the skill level also increases the % it is based on, maybe the description just changed but the effect is the same as the current one, needs to be tested. Until then the Cleric Lovers like me have to put their " blind faith" on it. Hahaha (≧◡≦)

Also, Zombie Bokor is viable now.

+50% damage to all ZOMBIEEE (70% with skill gem + Divine might, that’s pretty insane yo)


You can also spread incineration at 50% chance with PD as well (Pandemic new attribute). I also look into C3 PD new ability as well, it actually pretty good since it give immunity to knockback+casting and 20% damage against enemies.

No more blood letting i assume? x)

Double gun animation gone?

Must be bug hahaaha
Tree of bugs, remember? haha

Tree of bug

it might be back later when they fixed double gun animation :slight_smile:

it is acceptable anyway look more funny

How does Goddess of Laima work from Dev1? Do you have to stay within the statue range in order to receive cooldown reduction all the time? Or it work like Sameveve where you touch the flag area and receive a buff?

Using certain skills no longer cancels double gun stance…Alright that’s pretty good now.