Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

Nope, Doppel can go Barbarian or Highlander, as they said there will be new “Master Circles” that make low-Ranked Classes deal as much as high-ranked Classes with their skills. So Doppel can choose more low-ranked 2 handed sword Classes and boost them later on.

I was wondering why there were 4th Class Circle quest triggers in the database, I guess that’s the answer to the question :slight_smile:

@migliole @ReportofAusterity

if the dmg from master circles is as high as of those rank 8 classes then, i guess that makes sense.
welp, gotta wait and see i suppose. :confused:

I hope to see a corsair c4 if true

Nope corsair c4 is false. Pretty much its a new costume for each class bcz every class has “ghost corsair”.

master of qs3 i need <3

What id like for corsair is DA becoming a passive that auto attacks with 2 weapons with the attack button. Alternating Z and C is a pain in my fingers.



New ui ?

That’s an jtos addon. It’s at the jtos addon manager… I can’t remenber the exact name though… Joystick extended, I think.

Personally, i think it’s Zealot, Shadowmancer, Pied piper and a Gunslinger Swordie.

It does look like some kind of flute with music, there is like thicker black in the fog which could mean music notes. Also shadowmancer has a fart on her hand.

I think you missed @Hiratori reply: :slight_smile:

I didn’t but Bullet Marker is a horrible name, i’d rather think it’s pied pipper.


Our true prophet


Whose dreams come true.

Memes aside, i like the path its taking on class rankings. The power increase by ranks was getting out of hand.


I dislike the fact that IMC says they want fairness with class choices vs damage, while stating earlier ranks will remain weaker.

In my opinion there is no reason for that since they changed the damage formula to be % based and it wouldnt make earlier classes OP for leveling (they can always change early level weapon or monster’s stats anyway to prevent that).

Instead they want to introduce the “master circle” for early ranks… It is nice and all that they will get new skills and attributes, but i hate the fact that it would be mandatory if i want to stay relevant.

For example my Wizard only has Pyro2, currently no plans to get circle 3 because doesnt seem worth it. In the future i have to pick 2 more pyro ranks (3 + master) if i want to do relevant damage with the skills i have now (since they will probably have attributes to boost the first circle skills).
Or i stay at circle 2 for only the utility of enchant fire and fire pillar (which is also pve-only “stun”) since all the damage skills will still do subpar damage.

Of course the whole balancing changes we got so far help with the damage department, but what they are saying doesnt comply to their speech of diversity when you need to spend 4 ranks for some classes to work well endgame.

(This is also subject to change once they finish the massive skill balance they started with the Cleric tree, tho.)

Just to add to this: Some low-ranked Classes already deal a lot more damage than their higher-ranked counterparts.

If I take Bokor for example, a simple level 5 Hexing+Effigy at C1, I get 1,3(Hexing:Dark attribute multiplier) x [365 x 2 + 356 x 2,27 (average between 1,88 and 2,66 multiplier on 3rd level 5 Effigy)] = ~2025% on average for every time Effigy goes on CD. CD is 4 seconds, so average time is 6-7 seconds per Effigy (2-3 seconds to cast it 3 times + CD).

Now compare this to Kabbalists Merkabah e.g. , which has 350% x 6 chariots + 6x 100% [for the hit every chariot deals when passing through an enemy] every 35 seconds .
That’s a total damage of 2700%, which is 1,33 times the damage of a 4 seconds CD on level 5 Effigy. I can’t even imagine how strong Master Circle Bokor will be in comparison…

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Good bye my melee oriented Krivis :sob:.

I hope they will give at least one rank reset, but new system seems really good for testing jobs, THEY HEARD US.

Use your journal rank reset and buy that reset DLC.

still krivis changes are great ;3

Looks like one of the Scrolls on the Zealot Costume. :tired:

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Oh yes, I didn’t know there was a rank reset voucher in the journal reward. Sadly I’m lvl 10 only :(, I don’t really get how it is working right now. Time of game or money, nah I prefer when they give rank reset to Krivis players, you know, it’s still not your fault BurningFighter.

Yes, now IDK if Daino could work with OOB. New Krivis is really great but not for my Krivis :(.

Well we don’t know the numbers, or how the krivis skills will fully interact with all other skills. There may be hope for melee krivis still. There is still Zalciai as well.