Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

Only wizards are getting resets correct? No resets for swordys?

Are you serious? Why would it ruin diev miko builds if they aren’t even focused on DPS to begin with? This kind of attribute is toggleable and completely optional. Your diev miko build would still do the same, it wouldn’t remove any feature of your build. And where did I say putting the bonus on sweeping would be a problem?! To be honest, the only problem I see with that suggestion is having to be on sweeping area to receive the bonus. Good for the caster, but a hassle for your partymates.

Are you on drugs? Did I ever say that?

WHAT THE F… I think I should stop here. You’re implying I said a lot of things I simply didn’t say. “You want it to rely on int-based damage”, “do you think nerfing linker was a good idea?”, wtf. Next time try doing some effort at reading comprehension, because either you’re on drugs or you simply can’t read.

According to the dev blog post (in the korean website), wizard players get 2 weeks of resets and shinobi players get two iirc.


The sorc 3 attribute did not make them INT focused lol wot.
It is used to preserve relevancy of your INT based elemental skills if you commit to Sorc 3.

I recall before the SPR changes when I was a full INT pyro c3, sorc c3 using my summon in tandem with my flames.

With SPR changes and pyro nerfs the two classes meshed very poorly.

Thing is sore c3 itself is weird.
Desmodus summon familiar and Evocation aren’t affected by SPR. Riding is c2 which means the bulk of summon (SPR) based power is limited to c2. Sorc 3 implies not actually riding all the time and that attribute worked with that idea. A partnership between the Sorcerer and their summon. The only thing is the lack of ice elemental summons. As well it’s a poor bandaid as Sorc C3 in itself still has the main qualm of not really having any defining aspect to it even with the attribute.


So you think it’s ok to hurt a build because it’s “not focused on DPS” (even though the most popular version takes plague doctor 3), while you demand more dps in other cleric builds. Stop holding double standards and disrespecting other builds.

You can’t use toggling to get both the normal cooldown and the magic damage buff at the same time. You clearly don’t think the attribute is optional for yourself, and it obviously isn’t optional in parties where other members will demand it. It’s hypocritical to tell lower dps builds to miss out on the 30% buff while you insist you need it.

My first post said two things about mikos: the sweeping suggestion and pointing out how the cooldown would harm synergy with diev. Your response to that was “Are you joking? You know there are non-Diev Miko builds in the game, right?”

A key reason why non-diev miko builds are less popular is clap doesn’t work on non-diev spells. If clap applies to other things, non-diev builds will be more useful. So if you think dievs don’t need the 30% magic buff, would you be OK with making clap extend everything instead of the 30% magic buff?

Pyro, cryo, and ele deal int-based damage. Your whole point is you want sorc3 to have an attribute that boosts the damage of those classes to the point where players will focus on those and sacrifice summon damage by using

Couldn’t you still maintain Zemyna and Laima just fine without the clap buff? Carve Owl, Carve Tree, and Zemyna are not as necessary from a supportive point of view. And Chrono3 pass would enable you to get pretty good uptime of those statues even with the increased clap cd (or you could just turn off the attribute in cases where you need the other statues…)

Dudes pls Carve Owl is a good DPS skill and every Diev c3 should max this skill with high SPR.


any video of cryo-kino-enchanter?

Only if they even plan on gearing a supportive character for immobile DPS.

Patch is Live on KTOS now!
I posted first few videos with higher Live-server gear here

Now that it seems like they are recognizing Corsair a little do you think (or have you seen) that weapon swap works? currently Quick and the Dead just says error wrong weapon equiped and the game doesn’t attempt to equip your Gun item set, and even if it did it would never go back to your dagger because none of the current abilities actually required dagger in the offhand…until now! Impale dagger can’t just be used with a Gun in the offhand like the others! dagger offhand only.

Or is auto weapon switching not a thing any more? I can’t say I usually buy it on a character but I did on my corsair because the class is kinda split that way with multiple off hands even within it’s own class and it doesn’t work automatically for anything, it’s all manual effort so far


I wonder if they made Double Weapon Assault use attack speed now, that was always a bit weird.

Oh and does being in the Muy Thai stance with the extra line of attack affect other aspects of the game? like do you get blessing applied twice? do each of the two lines get sanctuary extra line and cafrisuns extra line, and do you get extra during Dual Weapon Assault as Cor3/Muy do you think?

Auto-swap is only for archer class. Sword must manual swap. Double weapon assault always used attack speed but it becomes bugged with too high attack speed.

No, muay stance is only for auto-attack. Muay stance and dual weapon do not stack.

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You knew all the answers! :satisfaction:

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Could someone explain me why they don’t want to add auto swap weapon for swordmen ???

I can’t explain to you why, but I can tell you that auto-swap is a client-side feature and could probably be implemented through the use of addons.

Not sure if auto-swap on swordmen would be considered an illegal addon or not.

Hacker. /20popolions

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Infinite frozen…

wow even cross-class rank can be hacked. what can be worse

The infinite frozen is due to the player losing connection/desync. D:

So now that it’s on kToS when can we expect the patch here? A month or so?