Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

Nope, Level x 2

Iā€™d like to have both options though, but Iā€™m okay with this.

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Ahahahaha new Demon Lord World Bosses have 2bil+ HP. Thatā€™s what we needed!

They also have a buff that makes them invulnerable for 5 seconds and restores 150% of their HP. Looking forward to a proper translation of the patch notes so we can see what the condition for activating that disaster is.


So they actually listened to us!


Two more sneaky additions that werenā€™t mentioned in the patch notes! Both of which in the form of new attributes:

Summoning - Devil of Fire and Ice
Requirements: Summoning 11, Sorcerer 3
Max level: 10
If the attribute of the Summoned demon is Fire or Ice, then the damage of magic you use of that attribute is increased by 5% per attribute level.

Clap - Spirit
Requirements: Miko 1
Max Level: 5
When using the skill Clap, puts a 30 second buff on party members in range that increases their magic damage by 6% per attribute level. Clap cooldown increased by 20 seconds.


Diev + Miko is gonna be good!

Could be great for Froster Lord users, but heā€™s Devil-type and Dark-element. :sad:
Are they going to change that?

they probably made it specifically to make other shitcards viable as summons
I swear 96% of people just use dark types

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Options for Ice summons:
Progola, Nuodai, Merregina, Centaurus, Master Genie

Options for Fire summons:
Pyroego, Cerberus, Fire Lord, Minotaur

ā€¦yeah, donā€™t blame people for sticking to Dark types lol.

Any other new attribute that wasnā€™t mentioned in the patch notes? Iā€™m too lazy to check them one by one. :sad:

Nuodai and Pyroego are the only good ones among those. Might not be too bad in challenge mode. Nuodai has that sweet multiple hail skill and Pyroego is kinda cool.

They are already good.
I think the clap buff will be better for Krivis buildā€¦ 50s duration with meltis, 54s CD.
For diev is better turn off the att since they need the lower 34s CD to make five owls xD

i was thinking rune of ice will affect this new ā€œiceā€ summon prop?

Any cryo or kino videos???


i wanna see snow rolling lv.13 ;.;

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Canā€™t wait to try it on my Krivis 3 Miko 1 PD 3 :relieved:

+30% magic atk with nearly 100% uptime with Melstis could be even better than Transmit Pranah :blush:
I mean, it even applies to party members!

Hi everyone, thanks for the patience.
Itā€™s a very large patch, as you know. :sweat_smile:

[kTEST - 19/01/2018]


A few things that are just bugs/things IMC didnā€™t explain properly:

Lethargy damage bonus is for Magic Circles only, not all magic attacks.

Dream-eater attribute also doubles damage of Property-less Magic (such as Sage and RC skills).

Flare ā€œdetonatingā€ Fireballs does not trigger an AoE attack (it acts like Ice Blast + Ice Wall, Flare cast will damage only 1 enemy near a single Fireball <- terrible)

Fireballā€™s extra duration attribute is not ingame, but they probably missed it, like we still have Rain and Frost Cloud attributesā€¦

Storm Dust attribute doesnā€™t do damage after its duration ends, it debuffs enemies that leave the AoE before the skill is finished (just like Pole of Agony).

That is what i tested so far. :grin:


Wow, that change to silver got from dungeons.

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still flare is so nice with flame ground or fire pillar ability :slight_smile:

Ok, so officialy silver farm is dead now.

So the options now are Challenges, HGs andā€¦?