Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

It strikes me hard to believe that the Bokor in that video doesn’t have at least ~800 magic attack to pierce the 1’175 magic defense of the upper monster on basic Effigy Lv. 10 first and second casts given their lower constitution.

Am I looking at the calculation wrong?

Yea it does seem weird, especially since he is dealing well over 11k on the 3rd hits vs those mobs with 800~ mdef. I have lvl 10 effigy + 1.1k matk, but my 3rd hit hovers around 5000-6000 dmg with 40% attributes. Even with maxed attributes, I wouldn’t be able to hit more than 8.5-9k, much less 11k, much less on a 800 mdef monster.

Looks like there might be a different factor at play with the damage formula that we don’t know yet. For example, Blue Spion archers have around 650 patk, yet their spiral arrow also does 1 dmg to me with 650 def, as though the skill base damage was entirely ignore.

It’s just a multiplier at the end, if I am not mistaken.
For spion archer:
Enemy attack - your flat defence = number.
Number * multipliers (hidden) = damage you receive.
Flat defence is valuable, and so is aspersion.


yeah 500 points in spr gives you 500 dmg with oob, and int gives exactly the same and bosts other skills, and has a rank bonus.

plus whos gonna keep a kaloo hammer?

please, strop trolling

int gives exactly the same as spr, and more.

try leveling a full spr sadhu and see how far you go.

Any news how the iDreamy build working for the new content?

you realize int gives nothing but magic att?

1 int = 1 attack
1 spr with kaloo = 1 attack 1 status resist 1 spr recovery

1 int = 1 dmg on EVERY skill, and gets 10% bonus from rank up

1 spr with kaloo = 1 dmg on oob ONLY, 1 status resist (whihc is terrible), 1 spr recovery (which a cleric doesnt need)

yeah, rely on oob your entire game, oob does bad dmg, kaloo hammer wont fix that, so by going full spr and depending on a hammer that litteraly has “kaloo” as a name wont do much. full spr will still give you about 200x3 dmg and a little change in sp recov and status resist, while 1 poin in int gives you dmg on a bunch of other BETTER skills

like i said, you should try to level a spr sadhu, then talk to us

It’s hard enough to get reset stat potions and you expect a Sadhu to keep that Kaloo weapon all the way through the real level cap ~ lv 470.I’m sure we will have so many new weapons by then better than the Kaloo weapon even with full SPR.

i got bad news for you if youre running a sadhu and not planning to OoB 24/7

you can use most skills while OoB, but they would be applied where your character is and not your spirit. such as heal/cure/safety

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Please, just please for the sake of this topic, and yourself.

Stop posting, you’re only embarassing yourself right now, it’s painful, and it’s heading off-topic really fast.

Your going to OOB with rank 8,9 and 10 skills available to you?By the time you get to rank 10 (Assuming we get rank 9 and 10 ) you won’t have time to use OOB as a filler with all those new stronger skills.

I am surprise your going bank yourself on SPR for just a low level weapon that later on will be out class by many weapons and might force you to respec.

Hard to believe your going full SPR just for Kaloo and wondering if your going to keep it all the way to level 400 + lol

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int literally does nothing because its a base +1 attack compared to con which gives %.
if youre going to roll an already shitty class, why not use the gimmick equipment animus+kaloo and make spr+con
anyone claiming im wrong needs to realize if youre not wanting to OoB 24/7 then dont go sadhu.

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Does blessing increase OOB damage? if it does I can see a reason for going SPR sadhu with kaloo :open_mouth:

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OoB’s dmg is derived of your mag attack and additional dmg when cast. (Thaum buffs do affect it, so does dmg part of sacrament/last rites.)

Only divine stigma and Ausrine boost it’s dmg after it’s cast, everything else it ignores.
(And it excludes on auto attack effects like aspergillum/extra hits and transformations cannot auto attack in any form.)

Int has additional rank scaling. So int at r8 is 2.55 (1.7 x 1.5 base oob int modifier) dmg per point. Spr is just 1.

Does the kaloo hammer even get magic atk from transcendency? Either way you do lose out on mag attack due to anvils only adding phys attack.

Possession + druid3 build based on stonehenge can’t even use OoB. But doubles the dmg dealt with possession alongside health and a few other stat boosts.


Blessing, which gives overall damage, does not increase OOB damage? Are you really sure? That sounds like a broken mechanic to me :frowning:

y sorry, blessing does not work on OOB ^^’

Also @joeswaaz

You ARE wrong, it’s not a thought, it’s a fact.
As Wurm told you, int is more than 1 matk, you can’t gain ANY damage from upgrading/Transcending Kaloo because it’s a physical weapon.

SPR gives you SP reco ? What a nice thing to have when you only Auto attack all the time.

CC Resistance ? So nice when you can’t OOB whenever someone does anything to you.

Clearly, you are not playing Tree of Savior right now, just quit this stupid discussion about Saddhu and leave this topic alone >_>



Pretty darn sure:

Best to think of as OoB as a different entity that only uses the stats of the player to determine its dmg.

And it snapshots said values when it is created. So even if the +mag attack thaum buffs or +80% mag attack chap card buffs end it keeps the damage.

[Kind of wondering if it remains after you exit a transformation, might be able to use hengestone to snap a doubled magic dmg as well.]


people go sadhu to od that, but oob is a terrible way to do damage so we use other skills

Chill out,they’ve “fixed” Peltasta and Chaplain, of all classes, have faith that Sadhu will get some love.

That mob with isnane mdef just makes debuff support even tastier,good.