Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

But there isn’t much magic debuffs in the game, and the bokor is already using hex on it


You want SPR for the mdef reduction from the bokor. Numbers wise that isn’t gonna help either. Look at the debuff on a lv 15 [hexing] (that nobody takes btw).

mdef - [57 + (SPR x 0.3)]

That means 1 SPR increases magic damage by 0.3 vs 1 INT increasing damage by 1 (more based on attributes).

Another magic debuff is from the paladin’s [resist elements] for -100 mdef at lv 15. A very nice example of how flat scaling sucks.

These skills need to change if they are to compete in 300+ content. Flat numbers suck because of how inflated numbers get in higher lv content. Stat based reduction sucks too because: it splits stats if debuffs don’t take from INT (very likely), and debuffs don’t go below 0 anymore.

can anyone post some screenshots of the new male hair? and the alice costumes

There’s tons of them. They’re called “shock”.

Ktos got patch this week right?

Routine maintenance, they mentioned in an announcement that they would be planning their next patch on the 29th of September, adding the Rank 8 expansion to the Jurate server and giving the other servers some discounted attribute costs. We will probably get further information regarding the aforementioned information on the 27th (Tue) .

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Those dastards better be getting some Rapiers ready.

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I wish they still did weekly updates like they used to with all the nice balancing updates etc. :pensive: I liked having something to wait for weekly, I also wish we would have had that here. :confused:
It’s not like the game doesn’t need them anymore.

but pelt and chaplain were already decent, 65% of the ppl in this game doent know what sadhu even is (true, i had a poll)

As the name implied, SADhu, short for Sad Human lol


Hi! one question, is there some website, googlesheet or something with Rank 8 classes skills / atributes full translated? I mean, with the skill formula and so (to see if scales with INT, STR, etc…)

In Tosbase all rank 8 info is in perfect Korean :confounded:

Also I want to know if there is some info about Miko class. Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Go here and use google chrome translate

I don’t think google translate can translate skills formulas correctly… haha ^^U

which is why we are currently discussing and therefore this thread was made.

No absolute information for certain atm. especially those hidden class miko, piedpiper and such

Manahas set pieces drop from these monster it is those high pdef/mdef monster spawn 1 at a time.

Top drop from
p def 1325
m def 3118

Bottom drop from
p def 1282
m def 2999

Hand drop from
p def 394
m def 1175

Foot drop from
p def 1010
m def 1965

a best way to obtain this set is to use Oracle reset skill.

Dop with DPE + Oracle + Chrono farmer is coming.


Don’t forget swell body. :smile: Get some thaum on the chrono… Or… was swell body… was that an enchanter scroll? Hmm…

Well, actually you can in fact use google to figure out the skill formulas, as the info of the calculation is in english.
As per skll descriptions there’s a topic for each class tree in their forum setion with all those things translated.

Swell body also double monster HP doesn’t it?
2 of them already has 500k and 600k HP.

Yeah they’d need to not be link immune to gib… And you’d probably be using a scroll with that comp. But they don’t get a heal either… So you can whittle them down first.

Well well, this is the part where you just risk it and get a party.