The newter armour recipes are Purple recipes.
All untradeable, sadly.
Special swordie items are purple too.
I only remember which mobs drop manahas set, I don’t know about these recipes, would have to check again.
The newter armour recipes are Purple recipes.
All untradeable, sadly.
Special swordie items are purple too.
I only remember which mobs drop manahas set, I don’t know about these recipes, would have to check again.
No that’s how Joe always is–there is no helping this one.
I think there is some problem in damage calculator otherwise some monster has physic/magic immunity ability or maybe imc just trolling player.
skill and attribute
monster status
p def 1282
m def 2999
there is a ton of this monster in various map.
Compare it to demon lord Blud
p def 1133
m def 2601
player can deal damage to it normally.
I wouldnt doubt it, seeing there already exists some monsters with a hidden mechanic of fire damage immunity (Elet from Demon Prison 2 literally heals hp from fire damage).
Not sure what you mean by that, I see a bunch of damage lines of 1’s on Blut’s head, perhaps coming from the source of magic damages?
It’s hard to tell without knowing the caster’s stats.
The thing is damage is subtracted by defense before most modifiers, including Storm Calling’s lightning modifier as well as enchant attributes. Which means in order to deal any damage against 3k mdef the caster need to have 3k base damage from Zaibas, so roughly 2~2.5k matk (depending on the caster’s INT). Any less than that and it’ll deal 1 damage no matter how many strong modifiers it has.
That’s hilarious(suck that “str and int are useless” crowd),and painful(item trans needed for hybrids).
Inb4 atk 3000+ only req for dps at parties.
Did they make Feint work while mounted along with backstab or are they stupid?
that 3k is for magic, 1.2k for physical damage be above 1 damage.
Guess its IMC’s way to balance classes that dont go High Int/Str.
Really need oracle death sentence if it works on those mobs. Another 1 damage mob:
Correct vid:
Oracle :
I mean as long as you can do over 3’000 damage on your attacks it seems fine. His third multiplied hit is still hitting around 7’000, down from 10-11’000. Most magic classes should be able to far exceed that amount. It’s just Bokor in general will hit that low on the first and second hits.
Yeah looks like they aren’t immune to magic but really just have insanely high magic def (since effigy’s 3rd hit still deals some dmg).
That really bothers me though. It’s basically IMC saying “hey, don’t use any skills below rank 8 skills cause those will be useless from now on, ok?”
It’s also an issue because there are very few magic debuffs in game. Physicals have highlander skull swing, archer arrow stack, pelta3 defence break, etc. to debuff defenses.
Need to have high magic atk once r8 hits.
Then it would be good to know that (unless it has/will be changed) [effigy] is affected by [lethargy]'s attribute for 100% more strike damage if you have a strike type weapon equipped. You can go see the discussion/confirmation in the bokor thread (I don’t care to look for it).
This one only has 1175 m def
other monster has around 800 m def
This is really worrisome for magic dps (not these mobs, but the 3k+ magic defence mobs). Hopefully everyone unfunded will be able to get past the damage threshold.
Elememe base dmg is really low. Most pre-8 rank magic damage is quite low.
Lol IMC has gutted ele3 DPS role in this update.
I believe that ‘3000’ dmg means base dmg aka before all the buffs from skill attributes and other stuff are applied.
If we look at that taoist video, his storm calling + zaibas should be doing 30k+ otherwise but is hitting 1s instead.
This will really be unfavorable to multi hit skills w/ low base dmg (ele warlocks especially).
Edit: Going to sit here and stare at numbers for a bit, since 300 magic defense somehow ends up being a difference of thousands of damage.
The only thing that “feels” to be the situation is it not being a 1:1 reduction. But that’s only off of observation.
I think it’s related to how damage multipliers work.
I’m not sure exactly how it works but I think defence is reducing the damage before Storm Calling multiplier is applied (thus getting 1 dmg). While in the case of bokor’s Effigy, it’s probably getting reduced after the mulltiplication.
Probably varies from skill to skill (if multipliers get applied before or after defense).
It looks like Effigy’s 3rd hit is a T0 modifier, which applies before mdef, that is the reason why it still does damage. So yes, unless you have enough matk to go through the mdef of the monster (base skill atk + matk) you will deal 1 damage, the same way a blue spion archer deals 1 dmg when you have around 650 pdef.