Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

with how jealous i am of not having a dps main and not being able to even go crystal mines, i must sadly decline your request

ill leave it at 75 ore’s to craft 1 item, and all crafts are the same ore’s/amount of ore’s

does anyone else see this?

oob is a magical attack. int affects its damage

i doubt you even play a sadhu, “play the game mate”

I heard rogue’s treasure chest attribute had some changes?

Out of body is a false multi-hit, it’s a 150% + 70 ish magic attack skill displayed over 3 hits. With a enhance ofc.

[@joeswaaz it does scale of int… please shut up when you’re this ignorant. ]

The only classes that add damage to it are krivis2 and diev3 due to divine might/ausrine. Both may be unintended side-effects however.

It is interrupted when you take damage and lowers your defense to 0 while using it. Alongside not being able to move your main body.

Most of OoB related skills will cause you to get stuck on the terrain and glitch back when you try to move. Prakriti tends to solve those issues.

And keep in mind it is an alternative form of auto attacking (negates aspergillum and similar buffs) and thus has no point in any druid or priest build.


OoB is in a weird state of being over nerfed, under-performing, extremely limited build wise and frankly low damage with far to many downsides.

I haven’t given up on possession yet, there may still be 1 build that can run it somewhat decently.
But that is on its own a pretty strong indictment of the state of the skill.

nope, its just 200 x3, so 2 hits = 1200 dmg :pensive:

yeah but oob is the whole center point of sadhu, just like how sorcereor is summoning and wugushi is poison dart. if summoning was ■■■■ then sorceror would be ■■■■, if poison dart was ■■■■ thin wugushi sould be, but they arent. but sadhu is.

and even if oob isnt the center point of sadhu, possession isnt evn viable at rank 8, it only does about 20-30k dmg (over 20 seconds) and nster have like 300k health. possession is decent atm, but it gets interrupted by anything

not to mention we cant even use our strongest skill on any boss without it reseting our damage counter, meaning its littterally impossible for sadhu to get top 5 in world bosses unless they have a party or bokor/druid circles

It just shows the movespeed bonus is NOT working after you open chests (34 movespeed before and after).

전 34 => before, 34
후 34 => after, 34

oh ok thanks i was excited for no reason

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ok, cause I’m not sure if its worth the trouble farming for virtov, since we are not able to rush it, and crafting it costs a lot of money/time, or I’d rather just do other dungeons to farm money?

You could try to get the new armours once they are released, if you want to skip virtov.

Level 270 armour Newter set (plate, leather, cloth).
Level 270 New cafrisun set -> manahas set.

If you are swordie, you get some special items.
Level 270 Swift Oghma guantlets, glove, special effect: bonus strike damage vs leather.
Level 270 Teblin Gauntlets, glove, special effect: bonus slash damage vs plate.

Level 270 Shadow Greaves, boots.
Level 270 Shailey Boots, boots, +2 movement speed.

Farming money is always a yes to me.

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using OoB with anything but a kaloo hammer

you dun goofed, and i doubt telling someone whose played since ICBT1 will accomplish anything.

i played sadhu during ICBT1 and make it a cleric3-sadhu-pardoner (maximum autism, however this was closed beta phase-1) and i doubt IMC has done anything at all to sadhu’s since october 2015. spr-con with kaloo+animus is a great way to show off how useless half the classes in this game are

oob scales form int, spr does nothing to it.

you think were going to keep a kaloo hammer the entire game? kaloo hammer sucks.

says the sadhu

enjoy your useless int scaling

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got it thanks! are the Newter set blue recipes or purple ones? and do you have any idea where those things drop? like from WB? dungeon? or regular/elite mobs?

Are these comment even serious? Seems like trolling at max.

But just so noone believes this, yeah OOB scales off INT (via Magic Attack). SPR does nothing to it but increase ur SP pool (oh no, not even that OOB doesn’t burn any MP :grinning:)…

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kaloo hammer genius, literally the only thing a sadhu has

Basic stat scaling isn’t much, and practically worthless with monsters in Rank 8 range.

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More like the only thing a OOB Sadhu has, and seriously, it hasn’t been worthy it ever since open beta started. After closed betas OOB was nerfed in scaling, hidden skill mechanics, attack speed and hit box. For now OOB is a filler while you spam other stuff (or even autos) and possession is Sadhu’s main class point.

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if youre trying to argue int over con for a sadhu when int doesnt even scale with % like con then were done here

spr gives more damage than int, and all sadhu’s use OoB

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