Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

As much as I am jumping for joy inside for the new cafrisun set, it has me a bit confused. It only supports auto attackers, and we pretty much know from the inflated HP pools that auto attacking is not the way to go. Can we assume there will be more support for the auto atk playstyle in the future?

Nope, and that is why chaplain is screwed.

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Good for QS3s. They can get running shot up to 9 or 10 depending on if they wait for divine might and have gem on top of the new QS xbow. Soā€¦ Full uptime 380-400% autosā€¦ Could share it with your party with a link2.

I wouldnā€™t mind having that buff for my necroā€¦ Give me something to do while my flesh cannon is on CD. And Iā€™d be the link2. ā€¦ I think thatā€™s why I like QS3-better then ranger thingsā€¦ for archers.

What is the guild member cap in Ktos with the new level cap/rank 8?

See, thatā€™s 1 sub class, 2 if you count chaplain. Thatā€™s basically an entire set for just 2 subclasses that are designed around auto attacking. The others are not. They do more damage not auto attacking (not to mention they donā€™t get locked in place because thatā€™s what auto attacking does unless you are an archer).

Again, Iā€™m happy because it affects my QS but as a whole this is confusing because it supports going against skill spamming (the most efficient form of dps so far).

Jumping attacks work for everyone. And donā€™t forget Warlock 2ā€“whenever they fix drain. And awful novelty builds like Power Staff Pyr/Link/Chrono/Chanters!

It will be fixed when SADhu is.


Not for archers. I think thatā€™s the trade off. Attack while moving traded for jump atk.

Worthless unless [drain]'s damage is applied to all lines of attack.

And just like you said ā€œnoveltyā€.

The only reason everybody uses cafrisun for early game is because:

  1. it is early game and nothing matters there
  2. [sacrament] and [blessing] boost the damage the additional line of attack does making additional lines of damage far superior to anything offered at early game.

Past 200 auto attacks are for ā€œtrashā€ mobs so unless IMC is hiding something for 300+ content. Designing with that in mind is ā€œconfusingā€ at best.

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Any news about Homunculos? Alchemist can selling them?

Do I need to add /sarcasm to everything I typeā€¦ Are you actually getting frustrated here?

Sry Iā€™m getting tiredā€¦ itā€™s humor and snarkā€¦ I get cranky when itā€™s near my bed time.

Guys, where is that forum with the koreans post and screenshoots of the game?

which will be never.

ill kms if imc really buffs warlock before sadhu, they said they knew the sadhu issues on facebook, but i doubt it, looking at how sadhu has had the same exat issues and gained a few more issues since release, sad to see imc thinks buffing a few viable and nerfing classes that dont need nerfs are more of a priority than making a class playable

i logged on my sadhu today ( level 180, soon to be deleted) to test oob, but it only does 600 dmg even with 300 int. so i need like 40 oob hits to kill a single monster. also possession isnt viable anymore with level 330, not like it was anyway

which post has the recipe mats?
I been soloing crystal mines and selling off the portium, but if its being used, I guess I should be holding on to them

I think a lot of classes lost priority due to the large number of complaints on swordie balance where it was highly demanded by the community. Theyā€™ve been working on it a lot on the past updates so hopefully we will get to see some love on classes that need a lot of help soon. Maybe theyā€™re next on priority or after rank 8 class balancing, weā€™ll see. I try to stay hopeful. :weary:

I donā€™t know which armours we will get in the next iToS patch.

swordie is already balanced with r8, now all imc needs to do is fix the forgotten classe slike hunter, sadhu, paladin, thaumaturege, corsair

Yeah I know I said they have been working on them in the past updates, not that they still are or still should. :smirk: I just didnā€™t want to list any classes cause lazy but yeah I completely agree.

Total damage? or 600x 3 ? If itā€™s the latter, then that is completely fine because that is how much i seem to be hitting for at the moment w/o hidden circle buffs. Iā€™ve been able to kill smaller pools of mobs within 2~4 out of body attacks at level 230~240.

Weā€™ll see about that.

youā€™re trying to make it out as though as soon as you pick sadhu, OOB is the only ability you should use.

This isnā€™t what the skill is made to do anymore, it seems that youā€™re playing with a CBT2 mentality when the skill actually had capabilities to carry your damage exponentially with a single circle investment. That is not possible anymore since this ability received several nerfs during the transition to kOBT.

Perhaps in future, there will be some additional scalings with damage/skill level for OOB ( or even atk speed) , but until then you should not be relying on this skill to do kill everything for you, because it cannot and will not work.

I could go on about this matter, but it would have to be in a different thread.


OOB damage isnt affected by intā€¦ play the game mate