Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Requires one knocked down target first, otherwise it doesn’t cast. However, when you cast it versus if the target is getting up it’ll still confirm. You just need to cast it on something that is knocked down.

You know, you mention that which makes me remember how in the demonstration of the Earthquake atribute the enemy gets up before the end of the animation.
Was it on purpose or just a funy coincidence?
With IMC you never know.

sooooo, back on topic, any new costume?? nerf? buff??

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Last week there where some more Peltasta buffs, sailor school costumes for the weebs and the RangerC3 costumes which look p’ cool.
Updates are every two weeks, so this week we got nothing.

Anyone got info on doppel punish skill?

After see alot of clip its deal so much damage and multihit which confuse me since itos punish is 1 hit and low dmg (not really sure for current since i alrdy reskill)

Miko is still not implemented?

It’s an attribute unique to DoppelC3

@vivienne0716 no, not yet. The moment its out there’s going to be a topic onit somewhere in the forums, ither way.

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Sorry if i not phase its cleary

I known they got +Aoe attribute for punish
But never know its also give addition hit and boost damage (if possible can you tell me how much its improve)

i think you mean here is that the damage won’t apply, as i mentioned, Punish can be casted while jumping. but it doesn’t deal damage, only doing the skill animation. what i am trying to know if the new attribute AoE damage will apply even without a knockdown target since it becomes AoE. or will it require knockdown target to deal its damage along with the new AoE attribute.

to make it simply, the new attribute isn’t right to be called AoE if it still requires one AoE target. it should be spread damage.

Still waiting for anyone that can post that new swordsman costume. :cry:

I need to see the Ultimate Dimension debuff in action… Does anyone knows?

.o /
/ \

//20 chars

Are we able to use ALL cleric skills during Lycanthrophy? does Carve/Monk Skills work?

probably ,djfbdyfsufsfsfdf

Do we know where to get Manahas set from yet?

how much are portiums in kTOS? did they ever impliment other missions/ways to gain the ore’s? with the new r8 weapons requiring 75 ore’s to craft can i assume they made other ways to get them other than the dead content fedi mission nobody que’s for?

They did not, and Portium sits at around 200’000-250’000 silver per ore on kTOS, at least it did a week ago.


thank you soo much @Veritas

what armors are players using there? do we get new one in the upcoming patch? I only saw the ET armors but other than that nothing after the virtov sets. will virtov still be effective until 330?