My concern about the instant clear item, is that if it’s not rare to get one, party play will die ._. what’s the point of having some bonus exp when you can instantly clear the dungeon alone anyway.
No way. If I see someone complaining about a theoretical, I’m going to call them on it. This item is NOT a TP item. People have been saying your exact complaint about golden anvils since they started dropping nearly a year ago. Are they TP shop items yet? No!
And even if the dungeon clear scroll were to become a TP item, your concern still makes no sense.
The dungeon clear scroll does not remove the dungeon limit
Using the voucher will likely mean a loss of XP (no 4 class bonus, no queue bonus)
Dungeons are only decent xp for certain level ranges
This isn’t the “omg insta 280 win button” you seem to think it is. In fact, by the time you hit rank 6 dungeons give such trivial xp that most players don’t even do them anymore if they are focused on power leveling - even with the 600% xp bonus.
People debating about the meaning of p2w. Happens everywhere it seems.
Imo, the term p2w is completely dependent on the current values of the real world, and that is time.
But, eh, what does it matter? Change is people’s worst nightmare anyways.
Speaking of P2W, basically means you spend real money in order to receive bigger advantages over normal players, which can’t be applied to dungeon clear voucher since it’s not a tp item (no real money involved).
The deal with the paid companions is that while they do offer universal bonuses, their stats are worse than companions you can get for free.
Namely the Guinea Pig (How do get the food tho?) and the Panda thing (as much of an absurd grind as it is to get) which both have better stats than premium companions and thus should be prefered by mounted classes and Hunter, witht he Panda if you manae to get it offers better (if you ask me) natural bonuses.
They just need to put the food somewhere because where the hell do you get food for the Guinea Pig, and no one has the panda so I dunno.
It doesn’t, but it also doesn’t stop you from leveling many characters at once (and using different characters daily limit of dungeon runs) or using reset vouchers. Now that 8x tomes can stay over night, you can even consider popping them on 2 or 3 different characters before you sleep and get an insane exp boost.
No matter what you say, the exp boost is not beyond 100% extra exp per party member. Therefore, doing the dungeon solo is still better.
Indeed, but they also give items and silver. If there is a 145 dungeon insta-complete, then you can get 300k silver instantly with it. I’m not sure if it goes as high as Virtov, but if it does, it would be even more silver (and it’s tricky to build something to solo virtov).
It’s not an instant 280 potion, but it gives an unfair boost for levels 50, 90, 115, 130, 145 and 190 (in case it works in all the mentioned dungeons). If it’s rare and an expensive silver item, sure, it’s reasonable. But if it ever gets added to the tp shop, things might get complicated.
You can apply that logic to any item in the game. Maybe they make Monster Gems purchasable, who knows? That line of thinking is really just tilting at windmills.
KTOS general thread, not someone else opinion to argue who’s wrong or right.
I for one am happy about the dungeon clear scrolls. It’s hard enough to find low dungeon groups, if they release circle resets there will be no one doing them anymore period so will be nice to have!
Since they drop from monster and dungeons even if they were in the TP shop I wouldn’t consider them p2w.
I’m more worry about that dungeon clear voucher is a TP item where people use it to clear 130/145 dungeon for silver. It’s practically RMT
There’s this game I was playing before where you give wines to an NPC and that NPC clears the mobs inside the dungeon and leaves only the bosses alive
that game was way more P2W than most of the games i have played from the past i just hope that the dungeon clear we are getting functions the same way as wines function in that game im hoping for something like
-kill all mobs and give exp to the party of the user
-scatter the drops make them disappear after 30s
-leave all bosses alive so some challenge is still there
-increase exp obtained from the bosses
did they take this long to add in shinobi?
mayhap we’ll get an update regarding the class when we get R8 on iTOS
i think it and the other previous hidden were just whole ‘hidden’ dumps in one patch on an unspecified date, players were able to figure out how to job change too within 48hrs because a large amount of files pointing to [name of job] would show up as new additions.
this current approach they have been adding small pieces over time.
go quit then, I mean your logic sounds so silly with p2w items, grey already did said that this isn’t a tp item and drop rates are more like the golden anvil and those items needed for extracting blessed gems stuffs. I never even gotten golden anvil or such with my new toon at 255, not a single one.
getting the dungeon clear scroll is like a bonus so that you won’t have to run it again. it gets boring having to run the dungeon 3 times a night to level your toon, think of it a an incentive from the cube drops
Thanks Gwen, glad to hear they’re adding at least something.
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What maters is how players will perceive it. When we’re talking about convenience items is just a socially accepted term for a low impact benefit that is either negligibly better and/or more easily obtainable then doing it normally. When it steps over that line of convenience to P2W it’s all up to community opinion.
And I think since it’s already being argued about when it’s just a drop in the game we have proof enough that it would be controversial in TP form.
If they not add “dungeon clear ticket” in TP Shop then its fine. It is not P2W.
Remember we still dont have stat reset potion on TP shop. They know if they add this ticket, ppl start to power level yourself way too fast.
dont forget they lied to us about having an open beta
is it just me who wants to flag these people highjacking thread fighting for their own belief?
seriously if you want to argue something you can’t agree with someone else go make your own thread.
on topic. no update from punish if able to deal damage when used while jumping? or does it require a knockdown target to deal aoe damage?