I wouldn’t just do the biggest… Remember that the Agvara Cannon drops off 6k HP bunnies.
Ill probably have to kill everything. Wish we had more information on them. I have never seen this cannon, but its in the collections so it has to be there
holy crap that erera cannon would require over 6mil to craft
But those bunnies are also by far the lowest population mob on that map.
Point was he shouldn’t be putting all his eggs in one basket. There are exceptions to tankiest and lowest population mob dropping the big gun.
You’re probably right but… It’d be painful to farm that mob for a day then find it dropped off a more plentiful mob you killed with collateral damage.
anyone knows where to get those orange 315 recipe now?
Sage skill Portal
with Portal level 1 player can save a portal point up to 6 place each place has it’s own cooldown very useful for grinding.
*Actually it can save up to 3 place + attribute lv 3
Any info about Sage/Enchanter buff work on minions?
Imagine all the trolling possibilities!
(especially like how it was for Priests in RO).
Disclaimer: RO was only mentioned as a reference point and was in no way used to instigate that this is the same as that game
can it save any map, or only maps with a warp statue. cuz zemyma does the same thing but everyone says its useless, by far the most useful skill in hte gamne
Did people figure out where the Marvel Grand Cross drops from?
I think my computer will crash when i use this item
Pretty sure hook64 will find a way to trigger this infinitely
is the kToS swordsman PvP meta sw3 -> cata3 -> dg2 or sw3 -> cata3 -> dg -> lancer or something else?
Pretty sure the existence of a hack should never dictate what kind of content is added to the game.
Better never add better gear because hackers will be able to +40 it.
Better never add new world bosses because hackers will get all the cubes.
Better never add new PVP content because hackers.
Etc etc.
It can save on any map but right now some map is unable to save mostly dungeon type map.
Greetings Saviors,
The September 8th patch included a change in that players could “buy back” their items sold to NPCS. Unfortunately, there was a bug found that was exploited by some users which led to an emergency maintenance taking place in order to correct it.
( A summary of the bug would be that it was possible to restore/revert potential on items )
- Users who abused this issue 5~10 times have been temporarily banned for 7 days.
- Users who abused this issue 10+ more times have been temporarily banned for 60 days.
Please do remember to report bugs in the form of bug reports or via support ticket systems, and remember to play earnestly.
In other news,
The Jurate Server will be receiving the Rank 8 update on the 29th of September. In addition to this, for the next 2 weeks the main servers Ausrine & Vaivora will have a 20% discount on attribute costs.
Similar to current iToS (hidden patch note). ^^
saw this and was like wow imc actually punishing people for once, and forgot this was the ktos thread and not the itos one lol
I don’t know whether their items were reverted. Wonder if they traded 7 day ban for reset to full potential gear (weapon, armour, neck etc.). Will check KToS soon.