Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Yeah a hard limitation could help. It’s still hard to convey the limitations… if they were explicit in the description that would probably help but not solve the problem.

For WoW boosters being so widely accepted it’s because WoW is ubiquitous most gamers already have a understanding of how the leveling goes and how focused the game is on end game content. So players know a level boost isn’t going to make a difference end game.


First; I’m 100% okay with the Dungeon Insta Clear. I was a bit worried at first til I found out it is only in cubes(Or monster drops) and can be sold. I would assume the reason they’ve done this is because of low population. Spend 1hr 50m in a lv50 dungeon que. and you’ll want that damn book too.

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Anybody got screenshots for the new costumes please :yum:


wow, I just think of this yesterday and now see this. :smiley: Good thing for people who are asking for rank reset.

Reiter solo 290


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That is a change to MM only, with the purpose to reduce the bouncing shots multiplication. It has nothing to do on how JP and HK normally work with other skills.

More info of 1 star dungeon clear book
it’s drop from normal monster outside dungeon too (same as golden anvil).


I’m fine with this. Faster alt leveling. Low level dungeons are already irrelevant.

just my imagination


what does it even do? just open a aoe, that doesnt clear the dungeon, it just makes an insta kill aoe

Spawns an autokilling tempest of light, and warps bundles of monsters to said pillar of light and gives the guy steady EXP per bundle of things killed.

Honestly, I was waiting to how it was implemented and it helps steamline and level alts. I’m fine with this tbh. Can never be all too sure with Nexon, but this more or less looks the same deal as Golden Anvil.

Its a Full Map Attack(FMA) that pulls all the enemies to that location. IMC Just Give the hackers a free line of code >_>. We already know where this is going soon… Soon mass dupe and hack will rule TOS.



This was a good moment to rework dungeons, but IMC took the easy way. I know they don’t have the time and are working on “more important” stuffs, but it’s kind of sad to see something which is similar to RO private server features.

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Hey does anyone in kTOS know which monster drops the it’s part of the Ibre Plateau collections.

If it’s part of the collection for the zone it’s in that zone. I’d just kill everything till it drops.

If it’s similar to Stropy Cannon it’s a 1 in 2,000 DPK and probably from Blue Cronewt because they’re the tankiest and lowest spawnrate mob.

Don’t worry; I was under the same impression lol


lol if this guy not point its out, its just impossible to notice :joy:

I feared that…well gonna be a while then lol. Thank you for the direction! Ill go and farm them hopfully later tonight.