Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

well I heard thats reduction cant go negative value (DOV lv 10+ come to mind)

so i guess if you got con less than 72 its will just deduct con till 0 (or 1)

need KTOS to confirm its though (they cant confirm till they got the recipe and material)

[quote=ā€œDeliciousCroissant, post:1780, topic:321901ā€]
Itā€™s still up in the air though on whether weā€™re getting kToSā€™s old version or if weā€™re going full iToS with no multiplication of AoEs

They already removed our AoE limitation since the maintance in 16/08 (the ā€œKR patch mergeā€).ģøģ±ˆķ„°&l=55285

So, Agility is either not working or has one of the most misleading descriptions in this game?

No wonder Enchanter is one of the least popular classes on KR. Every skill is bugged and/or not worth the investment.

Date 8/24/2016

ā€œAdditional attacks will no longer be possible against other monsters
that are bound by Joint Penalty. Only the initial monster will
receive additional attacks against from skills even though the damage
from those attacks will still be registered to the other monsters.ā€

You are taking that into account? Itā€™s poorly worded. But Iā€™m under the impression that JP is receiving further balance work besides the Hangman knot fix.

The Transpose bug exploit didnā€™t bring the affected stats below 1 so Iā€™d say thatā€™s the limit.

Instant dungeon clearing book.

Non cash shop item (at least for now)
player can obtain 1 star from lv 50/90 dungeon monster and boss cube it is also a tradable item.
1 star
2 star
3 star
4 star


Inflation, and controversy inc.
This makes me nervous about the future.

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wow, p2w and the animation looks like magnus exorsismus just colored differently

i told you guys this game would turn p2w the moment we heard about a founder pack and p2p ea, but everyone was like " noo its ok for imc to have an ea that lasts 3 months and cost 60 dollars hurrr durrrr! cant afford it then ur lazy and im just rich so idc if this game is p2w hurr durrr!!! 3 months definately isnt p2w hurrr durrrr! i have money go kys poor ppl hurrr durrrr!! your poor hurr durr! haha a poor person hurr durr! poor people hurr durrr!! hurrr! durrr!"


If they implement this to iTOS. This is now surely a Tree of Solo.

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Itā€™s confirmed that the Dungeon Clearing Book is not a TP shop item (at least for now, thereā€™s no signs of it planned to be released on KR ToS cash shop). It does appear to be linked to monster drops (inside the dungeon itself) and boss cubes. And as someone else pointed out, only certain dungeons can be cleared using these items, with a majority requiring a recipe created from three of the source item in order to create.
The Dungeon Clearing Book can be sold on the broker as well.


thats a instant monster kill book, not a dungeon clear item, unless they arent seperate items, then you linked the wrong item. and nice the dungeon clearing book isnt tp shop

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wow this makes me wanna quit the game.


It is the same you can get 1 star from lv 50 and 90 monster and boss cube.


ok good, no p2w, rift tried that (is still trying it even though its not working) and look at it now

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Weā€¦ should edit in that itā€™s not a cash shop itemā€¦ More people are going to read that and have a heart attack.

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For now. I donā€™t doubt things like these dungeon clearing book and premium awakening stone would be sold in cash shop in the future. Almost all f2p developers introduce these things slowly over time to allow the player base to get used to it.


Itā€™s pretty much the same as hair costume enchant scroll player can get it from dungeon boss cube back then when they implement it almost everyone said it is a p2w item but now all people get used to it every one use it.

Youā€™re probably not wrongā€¦ But just having these items in the cash shop or not is enough to damage reputation. Even for the core community which already rolls with the punches. Players do leave over things like this if they feel they canā€™t compete without pumping their pay checks into the game.

The fact that itā€™s tradeable helps. But itā€™s like IMC is channeling their inner 2010 Nexon. Even Nexon got their heads out of the sand with Maple Story and managed to setup the no P2W server. It just feels like we see the same story every time a developer comes from East.

But that enough speculation and assumptions for me. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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As long as they only release it for older dungeons i donā€™t see a problem,thatā€™s exactly how premium items(I KNOW ITā€™S NOT A CASH ITEM, donā€™t misunderstand me) should go, the itemā€™s value is on the convenience it gives.

Depending on how regularly it drops itā€™s no problem at all, people wonā€™t spam it and guilds will be able to do fast clears for alts.

Donā€™t get me wrong but this is a little step on making the game more acessible to newcomers aswell.

Yeah, I like the idea of the item if itā€™s not abused.

But at the same time I agree that having it in the TP shop(if it ever gets there) is going to be off putting for some players.

The first things I do when I am trying out a new F2P is look at the cash shop items. And if I was fresh to the game and I saw that in the TP shop I probably would leave.

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As long as itā€™s reasonable even TP shop wonā€™t be that bad.

Ex: Make only the 1 star one avaible for TP and only release the 2 star one once we get a new lvl rank and keep doing that,only increase the ā€œcapā€ for this item when the actual game increases lvl cap and always keep it a certain distance from that content.

WoW sells those ridiculous boosts and people are ok with it.