Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

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Full run 315 dungeon Fantasy Library (FL for short)

I was going to ask it several times but canceled that many times too lol, of all of the item or new items out or updated, how do we know which item srop from which monsters? Is someone be able to datamined it all?because up until now im still curious about Jude Set, is it exist in korea? If yes where the recipe drops?

I think he has lethargy support

do you think all of these content we see on ktos will be applied on itos this late september? or only rank 8 classes should be add and these new items and dungeon should be like in mid november…

About the only way you could even gander an idea without an inside source is checking if the translations on the github are done yet or not. And even if they are done it doesn’t mean the rest of the update is ready.

Suicide bomber is very strong

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I predict no items will drop from any monsters. IMC is shifting the game more and more towards a focus on getting all your drops from limited daily instances and to a lesser extent world bosses.

Probably a few months down the line they’ll add some common and blue mob drops.

The base values are on tosbase

So in other words JP is still its old iCBT version that multiplies damage by the number of targets, and that only JP + MM was “fixed”?

Why are people here crying about linker nerfs then?

Because everytime they see “Nerf” that means the class is dead and gone forever :smiley:
Remember when they fixed the attack speed increase on Archers with mouse control ? Some went as far as saying that QS3 would never be meta again, they killed it xD

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that only JP + MM was “fixed”?

It is still the same as pre-nerf/fixed.

That’s what I’ve been seeing from videos. So people are basically crying for nothing and Linker is still in its horribly OP state?

Because people don’t want to lose their #1 spotlight. It’s easy to understand.

Dop strong!

Suicide bomb work with ice wall + jp as well

I actually find Linker incredibly boring to play in its current state. I quit some time after the JP bug came around because it wasn’t fun destroying everything with a rank 3 skill (MM).

Well I have people rain sh*tstorm on me saying that was linker “only way to play” and “balanced”.

You will probably get your wish and then some. Since the hangman knot bug is patched. It’s still up in the air though on whether we’re getting kToS’s old version or if we’re going full iToS with no multiplication of AoEs in any circumstance MM included.

Though I don’t expect an iToS version… As it’d invalidate a lot of builds. Necros which will have fall off problems with their summons would be in big trouble. And so will Pyr/link/chronos. So we’ill probably just be left with just Cry/Chronos and Wiz/Ele as meta builds. If they go full iToS. But again… probably not likely.

A lot of builds were doing fine with the intended JP that gives at most a 2x damage multiplier to linked mobs, so I’m not sure why you feel that these builds would be invalidated.

To people in general: if you think that you should get a 10x damage multiplier by linking 10 targets you are out of your mind.


The question is, does -72 con actually subtracts from your hp?
If it leaves your con at 1, then DEX-doppels may as well use it

As far as i know, korean only likes two numbers. 0 and 1. negative values does not exist for them.