Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Yeah, but you know, Mergen is c1. Why would it be OP already? Wait for C2 or C3.

It may be c1, but it is also RANK 8.

It is also “current” and “known” content. I can not judge something based on “what could be”. I have to judge it for what it is NOW specially given that I HAVE to chose NOW If I want my archer to participate in the new content.

And as for my OP comment, I would say that would be an exaggeration if we didn’t have other r8’s being nerfed before itos got them. Then there are the r8’s that affect the lower ranks as well:

  1. [lycanthropy] affecting transforms therefore all previous ranks
  2. [micro dimension] (correct the name if I’m wrong) affecting lower rank skills
  3. dragoons buffing all melee atk
  4. murmillos affecting peltasta and rodelleo skills (not all r1-r7 but it’s something)
  5. etc

Mergen is just straight up damage. That’s it. Not even that good “for a rank 8”. The only interaction you get with previous ranks is on a rogue -> and therefore a ranger rogue (even so far as to go ranger rogue sapper) that purposely goes into melee for [feint][barrage] making the general range increase from mergen moot.

such a shame, everyone likes a good arrow rain archer.

Maybe you can just get a generic rogue and never go into melee. For example archer 3 scout 3 rogue mergen.

I do see your point but people are trying to hard to make use of a circle while we can just simply ignore some aspects of it.

Yeah and Fencer was a C1 RANK 6 and a C2 RANK 7 and Dragoon was a C1 RANK 7 and they were ■■■■. Now look at them.

Rank doesn’t matter, some classes just suck for the first or second circle. Let’s not pretend all of the R8 classes are amazing, you’re just upset the one you like isn’t.

-edit for @thailehuy-
Then you just missed out on a huge multiplier. Ignoring the base skill damage, you just missed out on a x5 (5 hits) x3 (3 OH) x2 ([feint][barrage] combo) x1.5x0.7 ([sneak hit] at a modest 70% chance at lv 5) x2 (attributes - a very “cheap” attribute for being rank 2) for a x63 damage modifier (in other words 6300%). My 2nd choice for r8 is actually ranger because of that.

It’s kinda funny you mention that build because what I and @jchsc32 are talking about is how [bounce shot] (and to a lesser extent [oblique shot]) is already doing what mergens are being “featured” in videos for.
-end edit-

The 1 I like? I’m pretty sure I’ve established that I DON’T like the r8 archer starters.

And as for your fencer and dragoon bits.

The fencer being r6 must be compared to r6 content. When do you get r6, 177 give or take a few lvs. Tell me what content at that lv made fencer so sh*t. That’s right, nothing. Hint, it is pre-200 content and we all know what pre-200 content is.

I’ve no comment on the dragoon as it requires 223 give or take a few lvs other than what a friend of mine has described to me. It works at the lv you get it. The appeal is the quick execution time of “the dragoon combo”.

Lastly, rank DOES matter. Though it is not directly related to content difficult, it is a good basis. “The higher the rank the more difficult the content” where rank 7 is “100k hp mobs” while rank 8 is “300k hp mobs”. In rank 8 skills you see a huge jump in skill damage. The only condition where rank wouldn’t matter is when all rank skills did roughly the same amount of damage.

i have a question about Missile Hole buff from Sage

example, i used Fireball+Joint Penalty vs a player with Missile Hole buff, then i used a magic skill on Fireball that is not ground based (example Energy Bolt), will they still block magic damage from JP?

or example, i instead used Dark Theurge on Fireball that has JP link on the player with a Missile Hole Buff

Hmmm is this mean Barrage can stack arrow right??? because i saw hakka skill do multi hit to a mob.

Well, while it looks nice, when mobs have like 1k def or more then those multiplier without base damage is totally crap. 6300% of 1k is 63k, which is crap for R8

This is the flawed design of the game. When you reach R8, most R1-7 skills become irrelevant, if the choice on R8 doesn’t boost them.

Yeah sure, but way to misrepresent that info. You could have a monster with 1k def resisting 63k damage. You could also have 1k atk after def for 63k damage dealt. I could misrepresent that too by comparing it to a normal atk of just 1k damage dealt.

R1-7 skills only become irrelevant when you have to chose between an r1-7 skill or an r8 skill. If using 1 does not prevent using the other, then guess what, you can use them both.

only thing that matters is you can kill the monsters, i think imc has big plans for mergen just not at c1. rank 7 has 100k monsters, and rank8 has 300k, but rank 7 can kill rank 7 monsters as easily as a rank 8 can kill a rank 8, thats all that matters. if mergen takes 10+ more seconds then its in ned of a buff, but im usre it doesnt.

Well, it has been reported that level 300+ mobs have more than 1k def, and +15 2h sword att can only push you up to 2k atk.

Skills with low added atk and more multihit will suffer on R8 content, which is the primary reason wizards are crying right now

Anyone Know about current pet max level?

please tell me current Pet max level and KTOS max level


Wrong. You don’t look at a rank 6 class and say “oh you get it at 180ish so it is judged against 180 content,” because you don’t get rank 7 until 220ish. You judge it against everything from 180 to 220. In ICBT2 rank 6 was the highest rank and 200 was the level cap. How do you think Fencer did against level 200 content? It was ■■■■■■■ terrible. You had ele3s, doppels, wugushis, pyro/cryokinos, sadhudruids (back in the day when sadhu wasn’t garbage), sorc2s, all kinds of ■■■■ running around and Fencer was a pitiful class. Even in C2, against level 220-280 content, Fencer is a pretty pitiful class, even moreso as they faced additional competition from buffed archer classes, warlocks, necro2s, etc. Same with Dragoon.

Rank doesn’t matter because QS3 scales extremely well, Ranger3 scaled well in Korea before it was gutted, most of the strongest builds are C3s of rank 4-5 classes like Elementalist and Fletcher, etc. Circle matters more than rank, generally. Very few classes are extremely strong at circle 1 or even 2.

All of the R8 classes are C1 and therefore need to be made underwhelming, people are mostly going batshit crazy for classes that are C2 R7s or C3 R6s and therefore should be stronger than C1 R8s, because in the future R8s will be higher rank C2s and C3s and outscale them. Notice how all the really overpowered ■■■■ in R8 C1 classes got nerfed? Because ■■■■ cannot be overpowered in C1. If Missile Hole is basically invulnerability at C1, imagine what a nightmare it’ll be at C3 with level 15 not to mention all the new skills.

A character with a +15 2H Sword, especially later on when people have +15 270 or even 320 gear, with high transcendence and high STR, will be reaching way higher than 2k attack. You can reach 2k attack NOW with in iToS when you add in additional damage bonuses. My Corsair only has 1200 attack but I have +400 elemental attack and +294 damage bonus against medium, and that’s with no transcendence and only a +8 Maga spear.

We saw this trend of “look how strong my character is with high base damage skills” in the past, when new content is released it always looks that way, but once you’re appropriately geared for endgame you realize the high multiplier, high multihit skills are still king. The thing about Dragoon2 is it has extremely high multipliers, some decent multihits, and a high base damage nuke, it’s a full package deal, much like Elementalist in the past.

I think we should stop talking to him b4 he floods the ktos updates section about how superior / swordsman talks again


Problem is people don’t get end game gear on the same day content get released.

You need proper scaling path. Heck, you need some ridiculous gear to farm for end game gears.

It’s will be the same “swordman doesn’t get invited to ET” all over again. But this time, more victims.

I don’t know how this goes from “16k damage nukes OP” to “Swordsman won’t get invited to ET”.

You also don’t need jack ■■■■ to farm endgame gear outside of ET which isn’t even about being geared, it’s about having a specific party setup. Plenty of classes are excluded from ET. The fact that swordsman just has no viable builds for an ET party is irrelevant. ET is an anomaly not a rule.

He is the Swordsman Lives Matter rep

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You can’t farm end game gear outside of ET o.0 ET floor 21-40 are the end game gears

And I’m talking about the syndrome, not swordman. People will flat out refuse any build that cannot farm gears

I hope Dragoon c2 rly can live up to expectation… Currently, as a Dragoon c1 I find my dmg rather weak when compared with QS3 n Fletcher3 variants…
The burst I can do doesnt seem to justify the long cds…
Have 1.3k atk with 30x crit rate at the moment…