as much I’ve tried to probe him with it being physical, like how pavise blocks it and all, I still do believe its physical for the simple fact that the damage can crit(as shown from other inquisitor videos). As what from what IMC said, they will never make magic crit. So I’ll leave it at just that
looks like high con build will have huge advantage to fencer alot since its really rely on crit
Google translate:
Collection of letters Hunminjeongeum event will end.
The Defense Uphill event will be terminated.
The Thanksgiving event starts.
Where is this thanksgiving event for the rest of the world?!?
3 is a buff to the x4 and x8 EXP Tomes experience bonus values.
- x4 Tome bonus will now be 150% ( Currently 120%)
- x8 Tome bonus will be 300% (Currently 240%)
- Their timers will no longer consume time in non-combat maps. (i.e when in town / queuing for indun/mission)
I have traced the origin of the rumour.
Cards aren’t mentioned lately on inven forum.
The rumour originates from rededit. Unpleasant place.
I will dispel it now, just like I did the circling rumour.
The 5 card limit rumour originates from a very big misunderstanding about a picture of a monk (this is gwen’s monk):
This was misunderstood by rededit as max card = 5.
This changed to -> max same cards of 5 -> entered this forum, too.
Patches (no card limit):
23 June 2016:
A Monster Card Equip system has been added.
- Cards can now be attached to characters, when cards are equipped you gain special effects.
- Please visit our earlier announcement for an introduction to the system:
[ Here (KR) > ]
- Monster Cards & Gems can now be moved through the Team Warehouse.
30 June 2016:
Monster Cards]
Damage Reflecting Cards:
- Fixed bug when wearing more than 1 reflection type card caused the effect of both cards to not take effect.Minotaur Card:
- Fixed bug where using Swift Step with the party
attribute toggled ‘On’ would cause the caster of Swift Step to
immediately get stunned. (Yes, really !)Werewolf Card:
- Fixed bug with Backstab where the ‘behind attack’ type effect trigger from the card wasn’t working with the Karacha set
[Monster Cards]
- The drop rate of cards have been lowered.
- Some Boss card effects have been changed:
Chapparition Card:
- Magical damage bonus now only last 4 Seconds when consuming an SP Potion. (Previously 10s)
Glass Mole Card:
- Physical damage bonus now only lasts 4 Seconds when consuming an SP Potion. (Previously 10s)
Manticen Card:
- The Speed bonus effect is now +[max★/2]. (Previously +[max★])
Nuaele Card:
- The magical defense is now +[★]%. (Previously a flat value of +[★])
7 July 2016:
[Monster Card Fixes]
- Nuale Card was reducing magic defense when removed from a card slot.
- Chapparition Card, It wasn’t possible to craft the [Animus] item when more than one Chapparition card was equipped.
Fixed a display error with the Manticen Card
The ability to prevent the Removal Penalty(Loss of Star Lv) in the Boss Card System has been added.
- [Remove Card without a Penalty], You’ll be able
to remove the card from the slot without it losing any Levels(★) - (
Costs 5 TP )
- Selecting just the [Remove] option will mean that the card will incur the penalty of Level Reduction(★).
14 August 2016:
Quest bosses no longer drop cards and should not be obtained via quest scenarios.
18 August 2016:
In the new maps, If you happen to become incapable of combat on a 4★ map, you now risk losing the following:
- Gems, Boss Monster Cards, Blessed Gem of the Goddesses ( The new saalus gems), Silver.
I have sent a pm to correct this info to several forum users. I said it wrongly several times too.
Thank you
Thank you for dispel any doubts.
I want to make new char now
Reddit’s more pleasant than these forums. Trolls and whiners get their threads downvoted out of sight and legitimate criticism isn’t deleted by suddenly zealous moderators.
It’s unpleasant because I cannot find my way at all.
I am not good at forum.
that is the beauty of reddit. It keeps people that troll away from it (well you dont troll, but I guess you are collateral in this case).
Once you get over the archaic structure you get to like it.
Unfortunately it is such a time sink at that point that you end up doing it all day at work and not getting anything done… which is lame
Isn’t the end result basically the same as their posts aren’t seen?
Haven’t been in the reddit for a few weeks, but the last time I was there it was way too full of missinformation and scrubbery for me to bother.
this is in fact true, i have been on reddit tos since the start, but lately (one month and a few days) to today, there is so much missinformation being spread, and people spreading it like a disease, sometimes it becomes even worse than many of the troll posts on the forum.
Castle Dungeon? -
i cant remember, is r8 patch going to introduce new weapons that is not from ET?
that 148k dmg was the snipe of the muskeeter in the party
No one attack that mobs other than Doppel
also 97378 white damage if it crit it will become
146,067 damage
In other video he shows his +18 Superior Twin Blade with Transcendence lvl 4 (+100% of damage). It’s more than 1.500 of damage only in his weapon.
Dat was punish. No surprise as he have most attribute max and + 18 100% 2h sword @_@…
still looking for +15 - 18 finisher / rifles with 100% transcend. buttstroke combo numbers will be extremely nice to look at