Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I have a similar thought too. I cannot forsee anything moving drastically in terms of new content, hopefully this could imply that works regarding the improvement of older systems in the game are improved to better standards.

I see thanks…might continue leveling my char…:neutral_face:

ET tower floor 11-20

ET 11-15

[details=ET 16]Monster killing 195 ea[/details]

[details=ET 17]Protect crystal[/details]

[details=ET 18]Destroy orbs[/details]

[details=ET 19]Stay alive and collecting energy 200 ea[/details]

[details=ET 20]Kill boss[/details]


Tried to find the place, but i dont remember where it was. Being a while since i read something about that refering to Circling (i thought we even had something like that nerf in our version already). Would make sense considering its new attribute, but as I said before, i may be wrong.

That is why i specified both cases? While talking about defense, crit resistance and other, going to 0 doesn’t matter more than going to 1, while for AoE defense it does. It was just a general way to refer to those possible nerfs.

Does Missle Hole protect you from revenged?

The bats also work like an indirect AoE Defense buff.

So that build now has:
An army of bats for AOE Defense and no targetting
Another layer of no targetting with Theurge(it “costs” less 5 bats per cast, worth it).
Another Layer from Templeshooter gigantic hitbox
You have to get around all that just to hit a Missile Hole stack,do it 15 times more.
And if you ever do damage,the guy has insane HP(yay WIzards)

Next thing you guys’ll say is that the bats also get Missile Hole applied.

P.s: Imagine this little monster with swell right arm, good thing Thauma is R4 and Sorc R5, or this would be possible alone.

Dethrone that ■■■■. Penetrates everything in a line for massive damage. Goes through missile hole cuz it is physical pierce damage.

Obviously, balance will continue to be adjusted.

Trickling in more new recipes as they have been with new 220 blues for a while. I don’t know how many of the new recipes in R8 are strictly dungeon/world boss drops or if some of them are mob drops, but we still need more 220 purples/oranges from mobs. Unless their plan moving forward is strictly to make everything drop from cubes so that farming classes are useless.


At 0:40 she has missile hole buff, and gets killed by R7fold. I think r7f counter attack is applied as a rank10 debuff damage type?
Or it didn’t block because a melee-physical skill was reflected.

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More items are always good, but with the way IMC is up till now, I’m not sure I expect them to add a barrage of items in.

Missile hole only blocks projectile magic

So it doesn’t block Dark Theurge?

No it should not block dark theurge, or magic circles. Unless IMC decide to go against its description, currently that looks like an anti-archer magic.

It does block magic auto attack though

I did say “trickling”.

Also the existence of past weapons and sets with particular bonuses is going to force them to continue with upgrades to those weapons/sets like they did with Grand Cross. They’ll need a new Karacha equivalent with a sword for Rogue/Hakka, they’ll need a new Venier, they’ll need a new offensive shield like Otrava for Murmillos. Otherwise we’ll be seeing people running around with level 170 gear at 330. It’s already silly that a lot of 170 gear is best in slot over 220 gear. Manamana is so good it might continue to be best in slot over level 330 earth tower secondary weapons.

Ugh, that means more untradable recipes from cubes, which is totally useless if you don’t get them on the right characters.

Missile hole = Grant yourself & your party members temporary protection from enemy Missile & Magic-type attacks.

They’re not forced at all?

Wheres the Ilevel 330 Savage bow?
Not there.
The next Durandel?
Not there.
Or the Sadhu’s SPR wand?

The items they want to leave behind get left behind.

Yeah that’s what I originally thought as well. Thanks for confirming.

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I’m pretty sure that Missile Hole protects you from revenge. Since revenge is magic damage with holy property.

Imagine if you equip the card that reflect 50% of holy damage? Huh? It’s ■■■■■■■ op against Kabbalist.

Wiz uses Missile Hole.
Wiz uses rune of destruction.
card is triggered
Take your ■■■■ back!!!

when have maintenance in ktos?

Next weekend at least