Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

part 2 is up


this sounds like a new way to crash channels once it hits itos

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Yup, not only that, you can easily annoy people around as well, since those bat will make your space interact with them (your char will face toward them) instead of the npc lol :smiling_imp:

Idk but i feel like ā€¦ a changes/limit for bats being summon will be changed

If its meant tht way ā€¦

Too many bats although im sorcerer myself lol , not tht im complaining

But its more like too good to be true lol

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Any game worried about balance wouldnā€™t allow bats to be duplicated, itā€™s obvious people will exploit and grief others with that.

But this is TOS.

I donā€™t see anything wrong with it. The bats arenā€™t that powerful. Sage needs SOMETHING to work with, since they keep nerfing everything the class can possibly duplicate.


The only thing wrong with it is the fact that it can be duplicated more than once. Iā€™m pretty sure I read somewhere that objects shouldnā€™t be able to get duplicated more than once.

30 bats is fine. 105 bats? Not really.

105 Bats with 1 dmg do not really matter at all.

I want to know how much did the guild member cap increase now?

You are forgetting to include the damage that 105 bats do to a personā€™s FPS.


Sad to think that, years after TOS became a thing, weā€™re still having to worry about FPS.

True. Some good extra CC. :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to make a new character called Dracula. And then Iā€™ll summons a bunch of bats and invis myself with the Trump armor bug(thatā€™s still in isnā€™t it?) and spam squee squee. And I could even go full Castlevania and drop two fireballs then toss them forward.

And then Iā€™ll just need a friend to make Belmont. And pickup Iron hook and Giant Swing.

What is a man?! A miserable little pile of secrets!


Do you by any chance live in Geffen Dungeon?


Game runs like ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€¦

Letā€™s make a class that doubles object draw !

Nothing can go wrong!

P.S:Just imagine a party of 4 Sorcs/Sages+a Chrono, WB graphic lag on any place


Thatā€™s not a balance problem, thatā€™s a ā€œIMC fix your ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  game optimizationā€ problem.

Not just FPS, you canā€™t target the person among those bats. Itā€™s a legit threat.

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Is there maintenance from ktos?

kTOS commence their maintenances bi-weekly now, their latest maintenance was just last week, so there isnā€™t one this week.

Not sure what to expect right now for changes. We already have all on the table

Well, I hope they make cards easier to find, or tradable.