Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I think Maggi likes the theme. Her art book had a lot of things along that line. Also that.

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People say it hit 3 times for 100% damage each

@thailehuy So upcoming buff increase skill dmg by 3 times?

Well I did not expect Kino combo to be same damage as rank 8 skills or to become a meta. As you said Kinoā€™s issue is more like setup problem because most party play now are mobile. Kinoā€™s combo only seen on Siaulai mission and suchā€¦

Thatā€™s what IMC basically need to consider. People just build characters for which one deal highest damage or combo in ToS, not a tanking party-saver and cool healing or some cool roles like Merchantsā€¦ Well, RO is not different than DPS-race but DPS is not your final goalā€¦

any new dps ranking for ktos after dragoon c2 and fencer c3 and other balances happened? for WB mostly.

Micro Dimension testing

Conclusion at 5m2s

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Does anyone have a screen shot of the Ranger c3 costume?
Preferably the female one. Iā€™m so sick of bikini and panty shot costumes.

Thereā€™s still a part 2 coming for this vid.

It isnā€™t out yet.
Knowing Archer designs you best shot is at it getting shorts, may get a lucky shot and get a pair of pants but then again archerā€™s track record is mixed on the matter, otherwise youā€™ll get a look from the front but not from the back.

I just remembered about a patch a while ago that was suppose to give a *3 boost to bokorā€™s zombies. Is it active on KToS ?

I donā€™t think we got that in IToS yet, did not notice any change to my zombies

currently I only found part 1 in his collection, the rest is not yet up, hope he will test out most of the object.

Can anyone confirm that the limit of same cards is really 5 in kTOS? Iā€™ve seen a lot of rumors about it, but none from people who actually play there.

Can someone give infos about alchemists? I mean I checke ktos forum but google translator made it even worse to understand lol -_- nobody there likes alchemists to give some info in a post? like about homunculus, pots, maybe new recipes and itemsā€¦

Do you have a source for this? Thatā€™s a pretty huge change. Weā€™re talking ā€œlegitimate case for class resetā€ level of change.

Not going below 1 and not going negative are two very different things.

There were at least 2 posts about homunculus and recipes, and one dev post about how to homunculus.

KToS angry about untradeable saluus convent items too, theyā€™re pretty funny:


All this at ktos forum or here? Cause if its on this forum then I might have searched wrongā€¦ if its about excrulon post it was only datamine xD

For you:
Recipe for sage stone (philosopherā€™s stone) etc. I think we already got this though, it was quite old.

I canā€™t find the dev post about pihlo stone and homunculus right now.

Seems so, Iā€™m not sure if the skill lose the bonus damage or not.

so it looks like enchanter scroll skill cost 2500*scroll lvl. Hmm. is that expensive?
lvl 5 scroll will be 12500 and because of 10% tax need to be 13750. About 14k per lvl 5 scrollā€¦

*explained in the commnet section of the vid

It needs to be expensive. Otherwise itā€™ll devalue Linkers like how Barrier scrolls devalued Paladins. I think the current cost is fair, itā€™s expensive enough that people wont use it in grinds but cheap enough to be accessible.

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