To be fair this guy says how good RO’s balance suposedly is every single time he can, which honestly is baffling because that game even after more than 10 years only got more and more broken with no show of the devs to try to balance it.
In other words, he’s blinded by nostalgia.
You’re blinded by terrible reading comprehension.
RO is definetly more balanced than ToS. It’s not much since a 2 yr old on crack,after spinning on a wheel is still more balanced than ToS.
Second, whenever i talk about RO is pre RE when the game had a clear metagame and class roles.The main “unbalance” RO PVP had was the gear check. But here the balance is so bad that not even gear can salvage it.
Might as well be called “future content thread” because that’s what it is, nobody here actually cares about the Korean version of the game or they’d be, you know, playing the Korean version of the game. We’re speculating on the future of PVP. You think we’re just going to discuss some minor kToS patch for 2 weeks until the next one?
well yea, and whenever new additions or other is added to ktos, hey a few more posts
how about make a thread actually called pvp poop talk, damn that’s hard.
Is there guinea pig food in KToS?
Also, can anyone ride the guinea pig in KToS?
Seems like Enchanter’s Agility gives Evasion % in the end.
Here is post on inven where ppl talk about it:인챈터&l=54493.
Even with machine translation it is somewhat easy to understand. Alos, the buff might not be broken because it is under the evasion cap of 80~85%.
Still, seems a pretty good buff, making my life harder to chose my Wiz’s Rank 8, LOL.
Wonder what happens if you stack it with Rogue’s Evasion? (We got Spiritual Chain and Templar C2 to make that shareable.)
Cap of 85% ?Two chances of dodging? Cumulative bonus?
Actually Nuale gives 1% while Golem gives flat 1. One of them is probably bugged since both of them is written the same way in the card text.
Let’s just hope it’s Golem that’s bugged.
@fuwaro I have no clue which costume represents who.
I only know Alice, the Grinned Cat, Crazy Hatter, White Rabbit, Card soldier & Heart Queen.
Cleric female is best.
I kind of like the male wizard… Gives off a doctor who vibe a bit.
Cleric female looks kinda generic and or like a maid costume variant tho. If a different class had that, it’d be better but because clerics already have the maid outfit, I’m not impressed. Kinda boring imo.
Yes it does. I like it because of the blue colour & blonde hair combo.
Someone at imc is obsessed with Alice it seems, remember trump costumes?
I think it’s time they give us another “troll costume” for all classes. It’s time to move on from cock jokes.
I feel like most light hair colours would go with that. Heck, black might as well.
Green and red though, no way.
Speaking of hair, I really want more styles and colours
To be honest leleconildo has a point when we talk about game balance. Why we bother with 60 classes in ToS when every build always need specific classes for end game purpose? Cleric 2, Priest, Peltasta, Linker, Wiz - Ele, Chrono, Wugushi… lol where are other 50 classes? Where are my Cryo/Pyro Kino combo on level 210+ grind? As someone who played all kind of RO (pre-renewal/renewal) then ToS I actually will call that super novice has a good healing spell better than Cleric 2…
ToS has too much DPS-oriented skills, close to none that help for tank, utility, and healing for Clerics… TBL is damage fest, not strategy fest when your tank can prevent whole 5 people to kill your team mate…
Just to put this out there, PyroCryo is actually a fairly troll but cohesive build. Cryo locks things in place which eases Pyro’s inability of mobility very well. It’s not meta but it’s a build that actually works through mechanics and interractions. You just won’t see it in places like ET due to reduced fire damage. x:
But they apparently seem to be slowly changing that and are adding utility within. Hell, look at Kabbalist2 and you can see they’re trying to: Although wonky and not as cohesive. The real problem is that by the time we get to R10~, skills will have such high base damage that only utility will matter in lower levels. Which is what you see now (Quick Cast, JP+HK, the bulk of Chrono, Swash, the fact that Healing squares will always heal 5% of your maximum HP) among other happenings.
A huge problem is that at this point their best shot should be to make progression based on equipment, but the Kroean market doesn’t really like that which on top of how the grinding situation is right now in this ame would require quite teh lifting from IMCs part unless they want the creep to become worse than it is right now.
The powercreep lright now is strong and prescent, but we are still not at a point with no walking back and it is very much up to IMC to decide what to do.
May god help us all.
I believe wiz 3 cryo kino pyro rune caster can still works. You can pick sage and R8 for more fireballs
Does anyone know about upcoming spearthrow buff skill demage? Does it does 3x more skill demage or just same skill demage but hit 3 times?