Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I’m amazed to the lack of mentions of SRC3 in the AoE topic.

Either way, y’ all should calm down on the matter.
The Serpentine debuff nerf while not great can be easily be patched up by a Pardoner and the Epee cooldown one gives Fencers an excuse to use the skills from their previous classes (The debuff galore if Highlander, buffs and some extra damage if Barb, etcetc), so overall nothing you can’t work around of so I’d say thats that for that.

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yeah I forgot to mention SR c3, I believe SR c3 have greater AoE compare to Warlock or Sage, which make me confused why @thailehuy can’t see classes that have better AoE than those two lol

I have this card and trust me it doesn’t auto skill in itos but i wish it does >.<

When you guys talk about Wizards being the best at AoE, please remember:

The ONLY playable DPS class in the wizard tree is elementalist 3 because of Frost Cloud, Wiz 3 is just a boost to that.


Ok, so, for u +2 fireballs its best aoe in the game? xD

no. Pole - small radius, huge CD, long animation, melee. Theurge isnt aoe, melee, can be controled by other warlock (enemy too).

its only 1 skill on 8r and for this skill con=int in dmg terms. U think mage best aoe coz this? xD R u rdy for farm and grind with only this skill? xD

:joy: 40k with aoe AA its nothing, yeah! Its 2 weak! :laughing:
And PD havnt aoe :joy:

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Eh it’s always the same with that guy, refusing to see what other clases can do and all that outside of the meta. @fitzfeliz’s rant may have been a bit out of place but goddamn this guy can get you on your nerves if you don’t decide to simply ignore it, I’ve had my own moments I’m not particularly proud of in this forum I tell you.


bro you don’t kow squad ■■■■ about wiz,
But yet you talk like if you had seen it all
You are embarassing yourself

Please stop, get out of the mine salt, and enjoy the fact that meelee class are given serious love or rank8

The real problem is that some people are still answering to those guys … I mean once you understood that they’re not open to any form of discussion whatsoever, just quit it, ignore them and they’ll disappear eventually.

Otherwise it can become quite toxic damn fast, look at Fitz, seems like a cool dude, but he sure as hell tilts fast.

Korean earthtower with r8, from the video thread:

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Just want to point out that even IMC doesn’t like R8 archer

10/10 banner


To be fair Taoist is there for Cleric instead of INquisitor the MUCH more popular class.

Time to make a new internet law.

“As a ToS discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Swordsman approaches 1.”


Uh, no. Dragoon was never even close to Fletcher. It’s just idiots who are unfamiliar with how overpowered magic arrow really is.

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Yeah but what does this mean for Swordsmen?

because of (Divine Might + Discerning Evil), it makes:

Plague Vapours: 29 seconds effect (can be spread via Pandemic), 2 overheat
Incineration: 22 seconds effect, 2 overheat

if he only maxed his Pandemic, he can spread Plague Vapours or Hexing to 23 targets instead of 11

this guy revealed his build, you can check on video comments, (full PVE i think):

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there is no basis for the de magic damage part, at least i have not read anything about it, but we have confirmation that the wheel is in fact slash damage it is even at the tosbase tooltip , so at least i never saw slash-magic type so i will go with psychical damage because when they say that is magic they write something like energy blast from monk, where it says (psychical)-(holy), so it means that is a psychical damage with holy property but with wheel there is only -slash.

The imbalance there seems to be coming from the fact Plague Vapors can be spread through Pandemic.

Plague Vapors by itself deals good damage but limited to a rather small AoE, which makes it fair. But then when he takes Pandemic attribute that makes Pandemic cover almost the whole screen and spreads Plague Vapors, you have a very good damage skill with a very good area.

Considering the fact Incineration doesn’t spread with Pandemic already, I wouldn’t be surprised if IMC decided to nerf Plague Vapors into not being able to be spreaded as well.

well, actually I don’t rly know about plague doctor’s thing, just saying PD2 look stronger from dat video xD

thx for explanation and buid info

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Wish it was red, burn debuff instead of poison and named “Hell Breath”.

Oh, but it would make Pyro relevant.

convitction was nerfed? imc really hates cleric r4 they take the most useless class in the game and nerf it, omg