Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Disappointed in both you pole and axe wound munchers alike. Y’all ain’t chit.
I came here to check if some new chit came not read political and ethical views of autists.

Where’s my Sorc buffs.

HMM define normal my friend, because… let’s see i have a heart i have a brain i have my 10 fingers in both legs and arm i can walk i can run, i can see, i can think i can speak … am i normal?

your definition of “normal people” is just stupid lol grow up a bit. Time changes.

Oh and yeah i’m gay :smiley:


Those MUST be coming at some point given they clearly teased it in the blog post Dossier 5.

Tree of Savior has a few classes with very particular structures and functions you don’t commonly see in an MMORPG, and it isn’t easy fixing them all overnight. We at the dev team feel truly grateful to all the players who decided for a class because they admire the concept despite that class’ lower combat performance, and we certainly want to work towards a TOS where no class is forgotten.

Too much hatred…activism sucks :eyes:

Ah yes, being gay is so very much on the same level as murdering. Loving someone and killing someone–what the hell is the difference???


Jesus this poor KTos thread is getting destroyed.

@ hateful people please take this to messages or another thread i would prefer not to have a thread with so much information locked / closed. Thank you.


thanks :3 i hope your IQ can go high a bit more


@staff can you guys stop this maddness?

P.S. > do not close this thread though. just, perhaps, tell people to stop, maybe?

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@Adeodatus So gay people are the main problem here ? Or close minded people ? :thinking:

I can trust you it could destroy societies with that kind of monkey walking around.


Can someone like… talk about the latest kToS changes? It doesn’t matter which one, just end this.

Or discuss guild system changes, whatever it goes.


Tree of Forums turning to tree of offended/offenders

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i like tree of savior korea its very fun i like general threads too they are veery fun

“freedom of speech” until someone says something i don’t like then its “hate speech”, western hypocrisy on full display.

he also once said the Japanese did not commit war crimes


What is it about exactly ?

the goddesse sgo t preg and had children demigods and now tree of savior is saved

Klaipeda (the town) is being restructured to accomodate new buildings (a barber shop and a recipes store(?) are teased in there) and fishing (probably).

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recipes store(?) is probably just the Mercenary Post

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The Popolion and Cat costumes at 0:40 though.


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