Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

2017.06.08 (year-month-day), start of events related to the restructure of klaipeda.

There was a GM interview with maggi & art team, they remade (expanded) the town of Klaipeda. The north part is expanded.

Mention of barber shop and fish.

Some images

Goddess of the Sea, Jurate festival theme.

Regarding Orsha
Town of Orsha, it was not meant to be. 1 to 100 is fast and easy. It was confusing for new players to get split. Klaipeda progression makes more sense. Klaipeda was remade to make it more friendly for new and old users.

-popolion -cat costume -book offhand item~ various other cosmetics such as music box -new emotes, dance emotes, ... -fishing rod -More fun cosmetics, balloon stand, food stand. .... Also, on the vid


I HOPE the BOOK OFFHAND ITEM IS WEAPON FOR SORCERER since they use grimoire but probably not :sob:


Think is cosmetics, like flower bouquet.

Me just thinking:


This Klaipeda expansion is GOLD. Cannot wait to see it on ktest next week :heart_eyes: It’s time to warm up kTEST!

basically new update on leticia cube for ktos:

they removed practonium and diamond anvil from it
but replacing it in the 1.5% chance range is a cube that gives a random 315 red recipie(so like regard horn pike etcetc)
and a cube that gives 10 goddess blessed GEMS (NOT SHARDS)


Another gamblers trap then.

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ah more pay 2 win…i mean pay to shortcut

It isn’t random. You can select what 315 OJ recipe you want.


Oh wtf? No mats and just need 2 pracs?


There. I just replied another thread and this thing come up.

it’s still money to save time or hardwork. but those items are still obtainable so…moving on.

Don’t mind me folks

yeah. either farm 1000 DPK like a dog or pay for this special red recipe that requires no mats but practo.

The time investment gap is getting more and more bigger.

it’s the fact so I won’t say anything about it. The practo itself is still on bad spot too

Anyways I’ll just excuse myself. Keep dem fresh info coming folks


Oh my, that mats-less orange weapon recipe Drools I’m hearing too much complaints about the orange practo weapon mats drop rate just now. :open_mouth: well played.

but it’s still 1.5% rng that it’ll drop right?

I feel bad for those who farmed hard for the mats


Probably last attempt to quickly get more funds before they announce R9 and the next tier of items.

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The benefit of June is twice the item drop rate during holidays and weekends .

  • For items with DPK set, the DPK value is reduced to half .
  • Silver is excluded from the event

I also want this for iToS :sob:

Just wanna share some songs from music box. Besides the wedding song, we have 3 more. Pretty nice thou.