Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

What is even going with that +150% number from transmit prana? Please don’t tell me it’s solely affecting additional soul property dmg…

I mean, look at the soul property attack transmit prana gives from min matk at tos neet: (min matk x ( 0.5 + (skill level x 0.03)))

2997 atk x 0.65 = 1948 soul property attack. That’s not quite all, but at least most of it.

[Possibly unrelated, but combat blogpost nr3 did suggest additional dmg is now affected by skill factors? That could explain it, but I somewhat doubt it.]

And for reference another vid, so you can compare possession (1:08, 3:42) dmg vs black stream (2:50, 3:21) with and without tp.

Off topic, but just curious, what’s your strategy for 275-317 rush? I’m about to do it and was curious if there was a faster way than the way I was going to do it.

Calculated it earlier. First it’s +50% not +150% (so X1.5)
And yeah it only affect the souls damages, but on every skills. So it makes transmit prana real factor not 0.65 but 0.65 X 1.5 = 0.975 * min matk.
It also seems since today, the soul property damage only affect skills, and no more auto atk, so RIP Chaplain + Sadhu 3 it seems for self auto atk buff. But maybe Chaplain + Sadhu 3 is the best “damage buffer” of Cleric Tree. ^^

Exemple from test :
3059 (no prana)
5114 (with prana)
Prana Lv5 = 1370 right now

5114 - 3059 = 2055
1370 * 1.5 = 2055

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Explore all maps but Zima Suecort+Martuis and Tevhrin as soon as you hit 275. Use all lvl 13 cards to hit 279-280. Do Khonot+Kamadon if you haven’t already, do the Inner wall questline if you haven’t already.

Do Nheto, Svalphingas, Lhadar and Tymerys and you should be 290+ (293ish). Do 3 full runs of 290 dungeon (exp varies depending on team level and current events). Resume questing through City wall, Jeromel Park and jonael comemorative orb and you’ll hit 300 in the middle of those.

As soon as you hit 300 pop all lvl 14 cards and hit 308-309. Explore Zima Suecort and Martuis while doing Zima quests. Should take you to 312-313. Do Arcus Forest, Phamer, Ghibulina, Mollogheo and Alembique Cave. You should be 317 halfway through those.

This is all possible with decent gear. I take 1 dmg from every enemy in those maps with my transferable set. Without very good defensive gear it gets much trickier.

(a lot of spelling mistakes due to me typing map names from the top of my head instead of looking them up)

Thanks, I have grynas and +5 rhevsians so hopefully that’s good enough

with and without attribute

Didn’t see it last patch, but barrier is now smaller and gained an attribute to increase the size:

  • The area of ​​the barrier is reduced by 60% .
    [ Barrier : Increases the range ] Add this property is .
    • Up to 1 level
    • the area of the barrier 2 is doubled .
      -SP the consumption 10% increase .

Seems like a nerf to barrier scrolls.


That’s a nice change.
Being able to replace nd use a class strongest and most important skill via scroll without any disadvanages was stupid to begin with.
Also it made many challenges way too cheap and easy instead of requiring good gameplay.


If it still only requires lv1 scroll then all it nerfs is the number of scrolls you have to use to achieve the same coverage.

It’s a good attempt though.

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This actually makes Solmiki 27F harder xD

You used to cover an area completely with 4 barriers. With that new barrier size you can’t do that anymore, but i hope the comments on korean players about solmiki being easier stay true for now so geared parties.

I think you can make pala3 pardorner with the reset week, build how many useful scrolls you that will carry you for a long time and then just reset to a build of your choice.

Do you guys know if aspergillum works with lyncan auto attacks? I’m planning on doing a chaplain druid 3 full spr after the overhaul. Maybe my diev 3/druid 3 is better for futureproof? I kinda wants to have only 1 diev alt (has I’m planning to reset my bokor doctor to a diev miko doctor)

Then Sadhu 3 + Monk shall rise. :triumph::ok_hand:

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This stage can easily be defended without barriers and even easier with a just a small one around the altar as most mobs are melee and the ranges ones focus players first.

Big barrier clusters have always been easy cheese same as aus + melstis and finally this broken stuff is gone. Nice change. But Paladin probably is still dead as long as the Aura doesn’t have 100% uptime.

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That’s brilliant. I think they should buff Pardoner as well, though. Skill scrolls are a good idea as long as they continue to balance them out with attributes like this.

Do you think TP snapshots chap card?

i guess they missed nrfing that. they reduced most doubling damage functions like damage attribute. Examples are lethargy and buttstroke, i guess that’s why it looks op right now.

Thats 22F xD. I mean 27F with the voodoo dolls and the mobs with Raise.

wolfy give me archer sailor costume from ktos

Anyone know the new trans effect values for armors? Since weapon is changed to 20% per lv does it mean armor is now 10% per lv? What about the HP bonus?

Depends since it’s supposed to affect only “magical and fluid dmg skills”. I don’t know what the hell is a fluid damage though. xD

Oops. ^^’