Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

It seems like now you give +10% mdef per level of barrier, no more scaling over spr. So level 6 = everyone gets +60% mdef.

And nothing to Templars. :frowning:

Itā€™s 10% of the casterā€™s M.Def added to Barrierā€™s M.Def Buff (per level) plus SPR

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Templar strength buff is better than it was pre-balance :
50str = 150atk and +64 accuracy.

The c3 spell dmg of stun blade are as great as deathrone damage of dragoon 2 technically ^^
( 670% X 3 = 2010 % factor, and 3 overheat ^^ so you do it three times).

Deathrone = 619 X2 = 1238 that you do 2 times, but better range and debuff

Barriers on 27f were more of a convenience than a necessity to be honest. Granted, not every group is going to have a pelt3 but we just taunt and kite the mobs around. =P

Taunting and kiting requires too much work in this casual game.


Well you have to remember that the debuff function of Cross Guard is tied to blocking an enemies attack (Which is less likely now), as opposed to other debuffs like cleave, butt stroke, etc, that can just be used on demand and whenever needed.


annoyingly itā€™s a pretty slow attack.

Is there any news on Gems? since Evasion will be removed what will be the effect of green gem on shoes?

evasion removed from boots base stats ā€¦ evasion from dex and gems remains ā€¦


The buff are weak and mortal slash iz restrictive, cannot use with spear.

Transcending armor equipments still gives %CON?
What about acessories?

Bro you donā€™t go Templar for mortal slash. Itā€™s a bonus, just like offense skills on utility classes in general are. Skill looks pretty good now, might actually contribute a decent bit of damage to like a highlander barbarian 2h build. The fact that lower rank classes contribute much more damage now is also a great thing for Templars. I havenā€™t even leveled my Templar to C2 yet because I hate how weak it is relying on low rank skills for damage (and also because everyone in my guild already quit hue)

But we have a suport class who dont have any decent suport skills for combat.
Summon guild members is nice for gvg but the cooldown is really big ā€¦ battle order is weak and forge / shield charge is just administrative buff.

I said utility, not support. More comparable to Squire.

@ready725, Hi bro, Is it possible for you to create a calculator like that but for the new damage formula listed in the Combat System Changes Dossier Pt. 4?

But presenting a unique character who can create clans and not use it uniquely in war is weird.
Using a Templar as a secondary character inside a clan is a pity, dont you think?

isnt the OOB called ā€œFluid Bodyā€ when you interact with it? That could be fluid damage but it doesnt seem to affect oob

Since I like to build my templar with a squire, Ill insert this topic in. They seem to have changed Weapon and Armor Maintenance calculations. It says (Skill level)+(Equipment level)*(Rating of Equipment). The effect of skill level on the damage/armor added seems pretty negligible at higher levels but it still needs to be maxed to increase the max number of hits it can take.

What I like about this changes though is that armor maintenance is finally legit instead of a flat [+skill level] trash we have right now.