Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

lul O_O is this from Ktos or Ktest? EZ alts XD

yes, this is the shared stuff that was discussed by IMC earlier in the year.

That I am unsure of.

You know if they plan to make it work like that with kill count exp cards as well?

Your alt doesn’t even require to step on the map to earn the cards…that’s op.

but I wonder those exploration exp cards can be obtained many times by manking many toons or just 1 time only…

Private server 1-200 real quick? XD

That won’t be the case as exp cards have level requirements. Don’t kTest rates also boost the exp given by cards? :thinking:


Still “wayyyy quicker/easier” than the current dungeon/leeching slave right? I wonder what’s the point of doing such, must be the map 100% explo bug…

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Apparently Vibora(Vaivora) will be account shared. Anyway, as Anarth said cards have level requirements and they are great to cover those grindwall levels.


hmmm so it’ll advocate exploring low level maps (level 1-3 cards) too if you want to level alts faster… kinda makes sense

Past lv100 it won’t change much, as you still require a fair amount of cards to get past the exp walls, this will only save you from having to re-explore maps. Most of the cards you earn throughout the game are from quests too.

One thing is certain though, getting to R8 will be cake now with all the easy lv11(210), lv12(250) and lv13(275) you’ll get. No more sneaky oneshots during exploration


dont forget about number of card u will get :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: will be less now :slight_smile: been 3, now will be 2

there shouldnt be oneshots in general tho since damage isnt as high as before :sweat_smile:

I assume that there is still level penalty. When I’m exploring R8 content i’m around lv220 or so, and as the content starts at Lv278 I get oneshotted easily due to the level difference.

Can anyone try out if your damage varies in KToS when you’re hitting a target (preference to similar level one) with and without your defensive gear?

best news ever

I hope the same will happen to quest too. Quest should be team based. Do it once and forget about them. I don’t even bother with quests on my alt, but they flood your quest menu which is really annoying.

Also same goes with Achievements, make it team based.


People cheering about the new exploration mechanic while I’m sitting here still cursing IMC for that change.

2 cards instead of 3. That’s the price we pay for convenience.

First it increases the Alemeth and Storage grind walls as you’d do all quests/map explorations at those levels anyway.

Second, without the massive ammount of lvl 13 and 14 cards you get at lvl 275/300 it might create grinding walls where otherwise you could just do exploration > questing to get to 317. You could even reach 325 without doing a single 290 run or grinding past 275 by doing all quests and explorations. With 10 lvl 14 cards gone this can probably get screwed up.

Okay that just makes no sense man. First of all, you can go get 3 cards now, and then redo exploration and get 2 more, so you’re getting more XP cards overall. Secondly, you also get 3+ depending on the map for monster kill goals. Since the point of XP cards is fast XP, the ability to just make a new alt and get all of these XP cards from exploration and monster kills etc. means you get your XP as fast as possible. It might be slightly less XP but you don’t have to work for it at all, it’s just instantaneous. If you just spend the amount of time you’d normally spend killing those mobs + exploring maps instead doing a mission or a dungeon or even just grinding, you make up the difference and then some.

I also didn’t need nearly all of my lvl 13/14 XP cards to get to 317. I barely did any level 280+ quests and still have quite a few kill counts I never claimed for level 14 cards (and many for level 12-13).

Didn’t specify: I was talking about characters made post-patch.

I agree. For most characters this is a massive time save and the extra card per map wouldn’t make much of a difference. But for some niche builds it starts to get frustrating if you aren’t doing many days of 290.

Out of my 7 317+ I guess only 1 or 2 didn’t rush 275 to 317 in a single day. Even the “I deal no DPS and my purpose is exclusively ET or farming” characters. Because of the extra little bits of EXP I could do strategies like skipping the last 2 quests on Zima Suecort, skipping all the high level bosses, skipping other hard quests. All the while having a big EXP deficit by only grinding 3-4 levels on Alemeth/Evac and Storage.

With the new patch those missing EXP cards will make a difference for those characters. Many times I’ve been in situations in wich I had just one or two lvl 12 cards slurpus to hit lvl 300. Or I was just running out of doable quests as I reached 317.

Of course I could get help from my guildies to do Centaurs, evonyphon, butterfly, the double bosses on tehvrin etc. But to rush it in one day solo I had to milk EXP cards from everywhere I could.

Is this change healthier for the game? Definitely. Are you absolutely right to say that I’m crying for nothing? Surely. But I can’t help but curse IMC for taking away a “cheese” that I did in almost all my characters.