Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Nothing to see here folks!
Same old Shinobi+Moulinet greatness. Back to your forum posts. :cop:


love wizard changes :smiley: wiz c3 still be good <3

I haven’t seen much highlander shinobi in ITOS let alone a decent one to do a 1 shot moulinet solo on a plate high crit resist boss. If you have one, I would like to see please.

So transmit prana isn’t a channeling skill now? It’s just a buff? How long does the buff last?

I don’t have a video to show you cause my computer is poop, but from personal experience I can tell you a lot of people underestimate the potential of a highlander shinobi (Shinobi in general).
I have a shinobi+highlander+swordy build. To be fair I haven’t put much investment into it to oneshot bosses, but just clone+crown+moulinet alone already does quite the bit of damage (by quite a bit I mean a sizable chunk). This is without any attributes. and mediocre gear. So seeing this video of a person with 315 weps (most likely transed and attributed) leaves me with little to be surprised about.

Amazing Shinobi+High+Swordy combos:
Clone + Crown + Skull Swing + Moulinet <— Has high crit rate
Clone + Cross Guard + Skull Swing + Kunai
Clone + Skull Swing + Crosscut + Double Slash <— Has high crit rate
Clone + Cross Guard + Skull Swing + Thrust


Lvl 5 last for 55s, 80s CD.

With Divine Might and Laima it becomes 60s/64s.

Wonder if they will end up changing the formula to be based on INT/SPR instead of matk (like enchant fire/lightning) or stick with that since it is a single target buff instead of party buff, afaik.

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Anyone have a screen of the new 2 rapiers?

Does anybody know if nuaelle cards still give % mdef?

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1 pract:
2 pract:
270 HG:
315 HG:

We really need to stop listing number of hits like it’s the only thing that matters anymore. It’s 25 hits of 289% each, aka 7225% total damage.

That’s actually all wrong. Prana gives 2 dmg boost effect one which is your magic attack added as Psycho Damage on every hit. Just like normal elemental attack which is really nice. And another boost du Psycho damage skills which is probably +50% to the base multiplier as with a 170 Sadhu and standard gear I saw Posession increase from 1200 to 2400 against Bees and Body Explosion from 7.7k to 9k. The add damage especially hits hard for low % dots like Hamaya or anything Plague Doctor. :smiley:

This way right now Psycho Doc could be really awesome!

Matk based is good now though. If not it will just be a blessing clone.

That makes a lot of sense, and it also matches the numbers that @Delcas gave. Thanks for pointing out.

So to sum it out here’s what Transmit Prana does:

  • Add Psychokinesis Property Attack equal to your (min) MATK. This is applied additively to all your skills just like other Property Attacks.
  • Add +50% flat skill modifier to all Psychokinesis skills (similar to how Agny boosts Fire skills).
  • Makes you take 50% extra damage from Psychokinesis attacks.
  • “Transfers” 50% of some of your stats if you target an ally with it (you don’t lose the stats).
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Please, no. People here add flat to like everything and % is a multiplier even when added and not flat.

I gotta say these changes are good but make me sad as I wanted to play Sadhu for a long time. But I have my Skull Smasher with red gems which now feels double stupid with what is coming. =.=

Skull smasher isn’t good? I find that it is then perfect weapon together with sadhu’s buffs especially for builds which want to capitalise on both physical and magic attack skills.

Sadhu is magical dps and Skull Smasher has less matk than the Heart of Glory which was equal before. With midtier transcend this should be about 250 damage difference. And if you threw in red gems it is super sad. :confused:

I wish with the upcoming complete overhaul we could also get an equipment trade in for very rare gear like Practo Weapons and Lolo/Solmiki gear.

It is flat in that context. You gain 50% regardless of the base %. Flat doesn’t necessarily mean flat damage, it depends on the context.

It is not. Numbers have nothing to do with context and opinions.

In the formula it results to (let’s say matk is x) x*(skill modifier + 0.5) which is the same as +0.5x which is not a flat function as a flat function is defined as

which does not hold true at any point for



Any videos with sw3-shinobi combos?

well, even if they did, the change is really insignificant at the current values.

Before, it was like 1000-1500 HP recovered per Healtile [+5%],
and now it’s (INT+SPR)x3 HP recovered per Healtile [+5%].

Unless you got more than a total of 500 on both of these stats, the difference is pretty insignificant; This means it’s more a nerf than a buff for the additional healing value and only effective when the character has less than 20k max HP (because then the base 5% per tile will be less than 1000 HP recovered, meaning the bonus from INT/SPR is more than 100% additional Heal value)…