Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

According to this
it is still 5% plus the int+spr bonus. Otherwise 0 int/spr monks would heal close to zero.

Noone ever said that the 5% HP Heal value was gone,though.
We just dicussed the additional Heal value changing from a flat amount to a variable amount xD

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Finally have SPR scaling on [heal].

cataphract for pve content, impaler gets resisted a lot and is annoying to use, steed charge is so silly. The time it takes to complete maxed charged earth wave and doomspike feel pretty bad too compared to other classes that get in and out of animations a lot faster.

I don’t think anyone uses ‘flat’ in the context of a flat function from mathematics.

The use of flat in “It adds a flat +50% to your base stat” is a way of saying “bluntly put, it adds 50%.” or “it adds 50%, period”. Also short for “flat out” and partially synonymous in that context for “outright”

The skill outright gives you +50%, regardless if you have 20% base (pushing it to 70%) or 40% (pushing it to 90%).

It’s partially internet slang, but it does occur in normal conversations too. It has nothing to do with mathematical formulas.


Everyone uses flat for everything in tree of savior. Nice we get a flat 1.2 multiplier for xy. :laughing:
It’s just bullshit. Being internet slang doesn’t make it right as it is flat out wrong.

It all started with the flat system (+x dmg) we had with linear scaling and flat calculations of Atk-Defs and skills. Then people started calling the multipliers flat and more multipliers flat and % is of couse also flat and I am pretty sure if I dig deep enough I even find people calling the logarithmic scale and the x^0.6 exponential scaling a flat exponential decrease or whatever.
How was it called in Hearthstone? Nice clown fiesta indeed.


It’s not the ‘only’ thing I am worried about. However, I think that it is still a factor when you are dealing with huge mob densities, since Carnivory hit tick is = [ 25 / number of mobs ].

Any news about drop rate and dpk on ktest?

The internet is a weird place ok. And don’t make it too ridiculous; a flat multiplier is an oxymoron.

Proper uses are where the increase is static no matter what

Flat damage additions (ie. Concentrate) or attack increases (raw attack bonuses, like what pommel beat and double slash get on stunned targets)
Flat increases of an otherwise derivative stat (ie. Sneak Attack for crit rate%, when crit rate% is a derivative of your crit rate number and the enemy’s crit resist)

Anyone using it otherwise is flat out (kek) wrong.
But you got mad about an instance of the second one which is what prompted me to reply to you that he was actually using it right in that context.

Just for fun, if someone were to say something stupid like ‘it adds a flat 5% to your damage!’ then unless you take your damage as 100% and whatever they’re talking about makes your damage ALWAYS 105% (which would, accurately, be a flat increase, being a static increase on a ‘derivative’ stat (the entire damage formula), but this is really stretching definitions here), they are using it horribly wrong and need to be burned at the nearest stake.

And because I love jumping into conversations halfway through without reading other replies, now I do have to ask; Does Prana give pyschokinesis skills an actual flat 50% increase (as in, if the skill does 250%, does it do 300% with Prana?) or is it a 50% modifier that multiplies the % skill factor in the new formula? The latter would definitely be the wrong time to use the word flat; the former is correct usage.

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Any news on alchemist? Whats changing for it?

Judging from the videos after buff (Bong TOS/Nekorin), it’s a 1,5 times multiplier for the skilldamage (meaning level 15 ABE deals 2259% instead of just 1506% while under Transmit Prana buff).

Makes it pretty much worth the investment if you got Dievdirbys to reduce the CD of TP to 64 seconds (level 6 TP has 60 seconds uptime; no monster gem).

Sadhu will be very viable for most builds after the patch, even as higher ranked choices.
Maybe we’ll be seeing C1>Krivis3>Sadhu3>TaoistX becoming a thing with decent amounts of INT/SPR/DEX if they decide that OOB damage also gets boosted by Transmit Prana in a future balance patch.

So he did use it wrong


That’s great for sadhu. You never did see them and now they got one of the better buffs around for both themselves and any INT based party member.

Juuuuust need OoB to be worth something now and they’ll be more than a solid class for sure

So what does get affected by TP? OOB is considered skill damage right? So TP doesn’t work for skills?

OoB is a weird case. It itself has no skill value ; the attack you do during OoB is called Attack Soul and has some weird properties to it.

On neet, it’s not even listed as a skill for Sadhu, instead being dumped under Unused. You can see it does 129% on kToS now, but that’s it. It gains nothing from leveling OoB and you can’t level it manually. I’m not even sure if the Enhance attribute exists ingame for it; I know the defense reduction one does though.

And considering 129% is not much, Prana will have a limited effect on it (193%), and might not even work due to OoB’s weird stat snapshotting used to calculate Attack Soul’s damage.

Every other psychokinesis skill is definitely boosted however.

So next question. What exactly is TP now?

To my understanding, TP in itos is “you giving some of your stats to the party”. Translating some stuff from ktest.neet I get

So does the ktos TP still give away your stats? I also assume “salt property = soul property”. Since it is labeled “additional damage” does that point to the “+ increase” part in the new damage formula?

Or is it something added like [sacrament], [enchant fire], and [enchant lightning]?

I ask because I’m still window shopping for my c1-p3-chap-x-x-x. It was originally going to be a “chinq” (c2-pard-inq), but a “chapu” (Sa3) is looking pretty good if TP is what I think it is.

The enhance attribute does exist.
I have two Sadhus one with 44% and one with 50% in it for Itos.
It also exists as per normal in Ktos/Ktest.

Prana has no effect on it whatsoever as the Spirit is basically a whack summon that receives no SPR scaling (or to be more precise last time I bothered to check it did not, which is what over two weeks now? That might have changed when they reintroduced the SPR scaling last week). It doesn’t receive the property attack which is a shame since it does for Sacrament.

Sacrament + Blessing + Transmit basically means the Auto attack beats OoB damage. For whatever reason Transmits property attack isn’t applied the sameway Sacraments is. If it did OoB would stand out a bit more.

So TP works with lines of atk?

I really wish IMC would simply add all relevant data to the tooltips itself, minus secret combo ofc, OoB is incredibly frigging annoying in that regard.

Either way, to clarify a bit on OoB:

  • It does have an enhance, but it’s tied to attack soul so it won’t show up under sadhu/oob at tosbase. (
  • It does have a -10% phys def debuff attribute as well.
  • And a +50% evasion during OoB that does show up properly.
  • Increasing OoB skill level increases its tether range, aka how far the soul can move from the body.

OoB might not be affected by Transmit Prana though, considering the whole OoB is a separate entity bullshit that usually only snapshots your base stats. (matk and elem dmg usually, it’s why extra auto atk lines don’t work on it either. It also ignores blessing for some reason.)

Transmit Prana was intended to work on OoB at some point according to the community manager who left. But in typical IMC fashion said combo had already been removed by the time @BlaXun tested it.

But I do recall that you were supposed to use Transmit Prana on OoB and not prior to it. (Something that we didn’t see tested post patch yet I believe.)

Hell, I’m not even sure it’s skill factor is correct either, I’ve seen it hit 3x5k prior to the latest patch and I have no idea how OoB even reached that high. (see:, but it’s a bit messy.)


Per the patch notes :
Transmit Prana gives you a buff that

  • Increases all Psychokinesis-attribute Skill Damage to 150%. This is a multiplier on the (% increase factor). For some reason, Attack Soul isn’t affected.
  • Increases all damage YOU take from Psychokinesis-attribute damage by 50%.
  • Adds an additional line of damage like enchant lightning/fire etc that deals psychokinesis damage based on your minimum matk.

Yes it does.

You cannot cast Transmit Prana on the Spirit, does not matter whether before casting OoB or afterwards. The Spirit is not affected by Transmit Prana.

It is not an additional line its additional damage. It will add to any any additional lines of damage that you have. Enchant Lightning also does not add an additional line. Only Enchant Fire does.

Right now an interesting consideration is Linker C3 and Sadhu.
Or even more precise
Linker C3, Chrono C3 + Sadhu.
Use Lifeline, to group all stats. Then have Sadhu transfer their stats to the main DPS.

To get any damage out of OoB you basically want to

  1. Have Krivis Divine Stigma to give it (this is awkward to use since the Spirit isn’t efficient at killing anything
  2. Have Ausrine in your build or from a teammate (practical but rather immobile)
    Since The Hidden Mechanic still increase the Magical Attack of the Spirit this’ll have a positive effect in tandem with an enhanced up OoB.
    Reducing enemy armor 10% should also have a decent effect when bossing if you have a good amount of physical dps in your team composition. This bonus is lost when you prakriti, OoB again or ABE so meh.

ABE deals 9 ticks. Seems it does about 80% of the damage or so of ABE.
Each tick will get the Transmit Prana additional damage, presumably any additional damage but I am 2 lazy to grab Blessing. So that makes ABE in total 10 hits, or 10 times to apply property attack/blessing per enemy.