Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I didn’t see that video, thanks for the info. Well, the only solution I think of then would be implementing iframes in some skills to dodge magic attacks.

Thank you for your work
So it seems that 2handed orange 315 weapons will cost more now
Previously 2830 shards, now 3390
1handed is now 2740, not 20% less that they said in the video (maybe for normal grade)

Heh, what if Int gave accuracy, Spr gave block penetration as well. Then subject both to block and evade. Would that make any difference?

And since magic can’t crit, evaded magic deals half damage instead of no damage. CC however can only be blocked or resisted.

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I personally think magic shouldn’t be targeted or guided (maleus, magic missle etc.). It should be area targeted (meteor, mastema etc.) or melee like (kundela slash, plague vapors etc.). You could walk dodge most of the skills. This would solve all the problems. It is tricky because if magic misses, it heavily harms the dps. Imagine missing a meteor, you have literally spent 5 seconds of casting time for it. Plus you cannot crit with it too so it balances things out. Targeted skills should be archer specific.

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Actually, I’ve seen someone use finestra in a video and their block went from 700ish to 1000 which is really not 250%, more like 250 flat value of block.

Maybe it only takes your base block (comes from con). Because description says %250.

The description may be incorrect, but someone else has to confirm here, I don’t play in ktos or ktest.

Found it. @TheAlleyCats @huanjoe

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Yep, Its incorrect. It’s 250 flat. Still really good with peltasta.

I actually think Cor3 will be fine.
PS 5 and HD 10 are both ~1600% ATK, lvl 13 DD is 963%.

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hm… thauma seems good now.

I’d agree, but there are some skills like electrocute that wouldn’t work well as area target.
I think that @rayn_cauhc888 solution is the more feasible for a casual game like Tos, as both iframes and modifying all magic skills into area targets seems a bit extreme.

It could take the queue from Diablo 2’s Chain Lightning, where you cast it in one direction and it bounces from whatever it hit (if it hit)

Magic is already fine as is.
Oh and Thaumas are amazing.
Look at the amount of phys/mag attack they can give you. And there Swell left arm: Shrink attribute is 2.2 times more damage on shrunken enemies on too of their elevated magical attack…
Great field supports with enough boost to raw power to make them a great member of any party.

Even if they go SPR, because Reflect Shield applies after defense it’s actually significant mitigation now.

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It hasn’t been listed as an acknowledged error by the latest known issues post, so you could say so. Do remember though that we’re still lacking balancing changes to the Runecaster Job (especially ones that were pulled before the major patch) and it’s likely that this specific damage amplification could be subject to change as well as other things.

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I don’t disagree that thaumas look really good now, but how often do you actually use shrink instead of swell?

All the time in ktest?

In itos the attribute was only 35 more flat damage per attribute level. So why shrink?
At 30% damage per attribute level…
You’re killing something 2.2* faster which is a fair trade off against double drops for taking 2* longer and you are reducing its physical/magical attack.

But it os 20% less… Devide the two…

do shrinked enemies give less exp?

They give the same exp, but are easier to kill.