Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Damage = (%Increase Factor) x ATK x min{1, Log10((ATK / (DEF + 1))^0.9 + 1)} + (+Increase)

Looks like they turned the x variable into a constant and added a new function to prevent the log mod from getting above 100%. I’m perfectly fine with this, much easier to calculate damage this way.

8.2 new types of HP/SP Potions have been added to item merchants.

  • [Large HP Potion], [XL HP Potion], [Large SP Potion], [XL SP Potion]이 have been added. These can be purchased from Item Merchants in each town.
  • A Large potions is 80% more effective than a potion crafted with a Level 8 Tincturing Skill.
  • An XL Potion is 80% more effective than a potion created via a Level 15 Tincturing Skill.
    9.Potions created by Alchemists have been changed.
  • Alchemist made Concentrated SP Boost Potions have had their SP Boosting effects reduced by 80% and SP Recovery reduced by 90%.
  • Alchemist made Concentrated HP Boost Potions have had their HP boosting effect and defense increase effects reduced by 50%.
  • Concentraded Boost Potions can now be Traded, Sold Via Market, Stored in Team Storage & Regular Storage.

Rip alchemists? :cry:


Wait a second…

Gwenyth’s translation of the ktos patch notes state the formula as:

Damage = (%Increase Factor) x ATK x min{1, Log10((ATK / (DEF + 1))^0.9 + 1)} + (+Increase)

But on our very own news page it’s :

damage = (% increase factor) x attack x min {1, log10 ((attack / (defense + 1))^0.8 + 1)} + (+ increase)

What? :expressionless:

It looks like it’s actually 80% effectiveness, not 80% more effectiveness.

Plus, this:

  1. Shop Potions,and potions made via Alchemist’s [Tincturing] now have separate cool-down timers and can be used simultaneously without affecting each other’s cool-down.

So you can carry and use both anyway.

Gwenyth’s patch notes is most recent changed though.
They changed it a few hour before it goes live on ktos server.

Latest official post

critical chance, dodge chance, block chance formula had been reveal now.

Alchs will be fine,their potions don’t share CD with any other type.

It is not. They already stated before that even if the numbers changed, the final value of Trans’ing would be the same.

That’s because of the new damage formula, having higher difference between your atk and enemy def will result in lower amounts of mitigated damage. Having +20% atk won’t give you relatively only +20% damage, it will be more than that because their def will be less valuable.

For the same reason, even if the numbers appear to be linear (+20% every stage), the gains still heavily favors higher investment for even higher gains at each stage.


For instance, considering just a 100% atk multiplier (auto attack?):

If you are hitting with 1000 atk versus a 500 def enemy, it will result in a 430 dmg hit.

If you increase your attack to 2000 atk (transcendence 5) it will result in a 1200 something hit, wich is about 1.5x the original hit (transcendence 5 is 150% atk now so… you get it).

If you increase your attack to 3000 (transcendence 10) it results in a 2130ish hit, wich is about 5 times the original 430 hit (transcendence 10 is currently 550%).

Overall it doesn’t change transcendence power that much. Transcending your weapon to very high levels will result in tremendous damage increases.

Limacon is a buff, what you need to know is if you dex influence the attack speed of the offhand basic attack.


It is indeed, i have ammended the issue now though. am so sorry for its confusion, i shouldn’t do these notes whilst also writing essays i was procrastinating. :sweat: I’ll be more careful in my next times.


in KTos lasted patch.

How many blessed gem do we need per stage?
after they changed to +20% per stage

The same amount as now.

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fletcher test ET, seems to be very strong

2 Likes very low

Alright ,noted.

Though I was thinking more of relative difference between Trans gear vs just highly enhanced ones (of course having both would be the strongest)

Since Trans now only multiply the weapon’s base damage, its overall % of contribution to your stat would be less than before.

There was that screenshot of a +16 musket having +496 damage from enhancement and a little over 1000 damage.
Which means that +16 gave the musket roughly the value of Trans’d 4-5 attack bonus.

It won’t matter for long-time players since they’ll get both, but for new players having that route of getting worthwhile damage increases via enhancement will makes whether you’re lv 240+ (can get into Saalus) or not less of a drastic difference.

Transcend material requirements is now a bit more complex:

Shards needed for 100% success = floor(((1 + (transcend_lvl + equip_req_lvl ^ (0.2 + ((floor(transcend_lvl / 3) * 0.03)) + (transcend_lvl * 0.05))) * equip_ratio) * grade_ratio));

Values of each parameter

  • transcend_lvl: Item transcendence level, starting from 0 for untranscended equipment
  • equip_req_lvl: The level required to equip the equipment
  • equip_ratio: Equipment type modifier
    • 1H Weapon = 0.8
    • 2H Weapon = 1.0
    • Subweapon = 0.6
    • Armor = 0.55
  • grade_ratio: Equipment grade modifier
    • Normal (white) = 1.00
    • Magic (blue) = 1.10
    • Rare (purple) = 1.15
    • Unique (orange) = 1.24
    • Legend (yellow) = 1.40
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So how many weapon gems does it take to 100% an Aufgowle Bow stage 1 -> 5?

Wow! Did she use link or it was new cross fire

ok, can someone tell me whats up with this new crossfire? that has to be a bug right? it cant be that op °A°

New crossfire.

Based on the .gif I saw previously, if an enemy is defeated with crossfire, another crossfire explosion is generated from the defeated enemy.

Edit: Found it