Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Are you even talking about the state of ktos at this point?

Because cleric (aside from a few exceptions) isn’t in a good condition over at ktos, esp the int builds got hit hard with the changes.

No you didn’t, but they also can be the highest. There’s videos of Clerics soloing solmiki DPS checks for crying out loud.

Bunch of vids.




Anyone ‘can’ be highest.

110k Hail…Someone told here “Forget about big numbers in the old system.” Hinting us that in the new system the numbers would be much smaller.

Maybe it’s time to say: “Forget about small numbers in the old system”?

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Welp, continuing my tests on Sorcerer on kTOS test server…

They really changed the ‘focus’ of Sorcerer, it seems. Which is not that bad now that I am getting better equips/things.

My Templeshooter hits for ~2.4k each hit on same level mobs. It’s a good damage overall, but every familiar hits for ~5-8k x15, Desmodus for ~10-16k x2, and Evocation for ~20-30k damage. It’s interesting to see that the Circle3 skills are now useful.

But Riding got gutted imo. There is no good reason to use it imo now… maybe I will change this idea when I get some better equips.

Another thing that I am feeling is that the cube drops of the 280+ Hunting Grounds are reeeeally low. Hunting there for more than 8 hours, I got only one cube. Or I am really unlucky xD

And I don’t know if it’s documented or not, but… Con increases how much HP pots heal. With a 2200 heal pot, with 1 Con, I heal for 2200, and with ~170 Con, I heal 4000.

Show me a sword or wizard soloing solmiki then

Damn I didn’t know clerics can literally solo Solmiki and not just the first floor where the only thing you have to do is kill a bunch of trashmobs

Time to make one then, never liked the community in this game enough to party up with them

converted cleric main here btw

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Wait, was this officially launched on KTOS?

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Yes, today… not rushed at all :smile_cat:


Do u know if the aspd of limacon is affected by dex? ty

I figure since they announced the changes, the highest yielded results and QA wont be from the test server as much as just the entire population of ktos finding broken things. Bugs and op things both. Its not a bad move as long as they know it isnt final (and they let everyone else know its not final)


Frankly I’m glad they released it on kToS. Look at all these new videos we got showing absurd damage with high end gears. Had they kept it in kTest these videos wouldn’t really come to light.

Also another reason why I believe they pushed it to kToS is, as they mentioned, their next goal is to balance PvP. There’s barely enough people queuing TBL in kTest, and equipment diversity is very low due to the nature of the server. Doing PvP balancing test there wouldn’t be very productive.

Let’s keep in mind that just because it’s released in kToS it doesn’t mean that the patches are “finished” and IMC wont tweak it any further.


In my experience, their biggest problem as a company is that they have the worst communication. They also seem to think the world revolves around Korea. Not to be too harsh here, but if they pulled their head out of their 4th point of contact, they’d realize the number of people worldwide that loved RO1 and truly WANT to love ToS is huge outside of Korea. The numbers internationally would dwarf any kind of netcafe numbers they would get in Korea.

I’m actually of the opinion of GM’s dont need to be seen in game or on the forums (Look at how little contact Blizzard has with the players), but thats often only when things are running fairly smoothly. They honestly need to be daily talking with players (not just in Korea) about their thoughts even if its just a blog. There will always be Chicken Little’s over every change, but at the VERY least, it will incite the giving confidence and trust from players. Something they sorely need right now.


Oh, I’m perfectly fine with that as long as they use korean live servers to test it and korean players as guinea pigs.
I never expected them to act professionally like SE did with FFXIV. :smile_cat:


I’d honestly play FF14 now if I knew I hadnt missed everything already in the game. I hate starting an MMO after its been out for more than a year.

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@LunarRabbit Hey, papi. Mouringaka Antennas are % correct, not DPK?
Don’t think limacon attack speed is boosted by DEX.

Hope they notice how unhealthy Trans is to the game and remove it…

The new damage formula and monster/equipment stats are working well enough with just refinement’d weapons.

Only problem would be doing earth tower, but that has a bad conpcept in itself anyway.


Ya, they’re %, not DPK.