Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I doubt it since they STILL cost a r1 buff slot each.

One true farmer Corsair3 Doppel for DPE pillages, lootgod masterrace. Too bad your damage is absolute garbage.

This is already the case. Cleric is not the highest DPS in the game at all. They have broken skills in PVP but in PVE even my lowly Corsair usually outdamages DPS clerics in bosses, and my Ranger3Rogue3 beats all of them (granted my Rogue is fairly low level and pretty much only good at killing bosses to begin with). Swordsmen are tanky and have the best pull in the game via Swashbuckling, Wizards are still AoE gods even if they aren’t as broken as they were in R7 and have extremely strong offensive support. Archers are… good at one thing or another depending on build. Only thing that really makes Cleric ‘broken’ is their versatility and power in PVP. But again, this patch was only supposed to address PVE balance, they said they would work on PVP after.

Is Mergen without Falconer just a total waste of time? I was thinking of doing some kind of Broom Trap + Flare Shot + Arrow Sprinkle + Capture build but Mergen’s other skills seem like they don’t do anything without Circling.

Maybe after the rework, Corsair c3 damage wont be super garbage?

Any video of lancer? after patch decent dmg?

Well, I think that’s good since you don’t rely (anymore) only on one button. Now if that was applied to all classes, it would have been a fair success for the patch :smile_cat:

For starters [double weapon assault] needs to be passive.

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Any video of lancer? after patch decent dmg?

Dont want te be rude, but if i want to play pressing one button it’s my problem and it isn’t a good reason to support the overheat change.

We can dream.

Honestly Corsair is just all over the place, that’s part of the problem. Fancy but ultimately low yield spinning ministun attack, dual wield melee burst spell, strange weapon requirement ranged AoE spell, party support spell that only benefits archers, PVP huge-duration multi-target stun spell, PVP utility/damage spell that nobody uses because it restricts your stun to single target only, dual wield autoattack buff that is unusable without use of your flag that basically serves no other purpose if you aren’t partied with archers, seemingly useless chest-opening skill, and bonus loot chance all rolled up in one class kit. Corsair is like trying to be 3-4 classes at once so it becomes really a jack of all trades, but subpar at everything except farming.

Oh, I didn’t knew that ! I thought the buffs were really flat and that was the reason why everyone was complaining about them.
But if it scales with SPR and has a % attribute, it can be really nice and stay strong even high level !
Thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

Is paladin nerfed ?? reallyÂż?

Look, I’m not judging how “you like to play”, nor I support the overheat change (I’m affected by that change too).

I only think that moving away from “one button wonders” would have been good, if it was applied to all classes.

I’m honestly disappointed by the cryomancer melting a boss with 3 hits of the same skill, as I thought those days were gone.


Skill spam is just a way to fill time between cooldowns like autoattacks. The only difference between QS3 Running Shot and Scout3 Split Arrow spam is that QS3 focuses on single target DPS and Scout on multi-target. They could just as easily have made it a buff that gives you bonus autoattack damage and causes autoattacks to bounce, instead they decided to radically change class design.

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I know, I have a bokor that will be affected by that overheat change too. I was using effigy as a filler and it was kinda nice, now they completely changed it into a burst like split arrow.

I would even have been ok with that, but then I see that cryomancer three hitting a boss with the same skill…

This resonates with me so much (I even made a thread for it here). Take note this is exactly what happened with [limacon].

you mean in the current patch on ktest? Well it should be like this way.

finally a good fencer

Only Difference between Cyclone and out of Body is that Out of Body sucks.
They could’ve just made out of body amazing.

Give them a break on this one. With the Dex changes, Auto attacks are supposed to be the filler. Only exceptions I can currently think of are Thrust and Double Punch. Thrust doesn’t work with dex IIRC and Dable paunch has to make up for well 3/4 ranks of no physical skills

You’ve clearly never played Taoist or PD2 if you think Cleric is low DPS in PvE.

Did I say low? I’m pretty sure my exact words were ‘not the highest’.