Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

That’s not necessarily bad, I enjoyed it when the game was genuinely challenging (before trascendence and R8), but maybe I’m biased because I have two clerics and I started with one of them at launch :smile_cat:

Btw… Someone can tell me if this mechanic is still to be considered bugged or not?

Edit: scout is not as bad (for a farming toon) as people were portraying it:

In Ragnarok Online clerics couldn’t solo almost at all until later levels, but they were everywhere. Well, they could solo one or two maps of undead but that was it.

Way more slow than now :(. It’s not bad burst damage, but is only that, not a true 170 farmer.

No one is a true farmer unless corsair 3 for max pillage.

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As i said, a true 170 dun farmer ( do it in less than 15 min )

I believe a scout3 fletcher1 / 2 build is effective now
Rotation between Split and Crossfire

Come on, there was so much doom and gloom for scout when it’s not so bad. You can’t finish in 15 mins anymore, but that’s way far from being a dead class.
I have to agree with @Future tho, Corsair 3 is the real deal (I’m biased, sorry, I have one :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

Honestly, transcendence makes the gaps between gear worse. You want gear variance? Dont add % values to equips. As it stands, 90% of all secondary stats are pointless because the highest ATK/MATK gear is so much higher because of transcendence that it makes it such a DPS loss to use anything else. Not “Oh, I have 300 more MDEF, but I lose out on 7% DPS.” But, “I lose out on 1/4 of my total damage.”

And yeah. Corsair c3 pillage literally skews farming so heavy in their favor its nutso. I almost want to reroll my swordie into it, but Im holding out for squire to possibly be good. (I wanna see how they change base camps, and armor refine. Could be useful for dungeon parties.)

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Cleric is able to solo because of their self-heal, but they should struggle a little because of lack of damage. This is like main concept for mmo and rpg in general. What happens here is that some cleric loadouts can overdamage all of the other dps-oriented classes and still have survivability. It was intended this way? I don’t know, but it goes against common rules of balance.

Anyway, imo they should support party play instead of solo play. This is a mmo after all.

In PVP we are more and more ausrine + cc reliant (they nerfed defense) … so … this patch isnt come to iTOS until they balance pvp … ok? …

Any one trying to figure out how much HP regen is getting buffed (if at all) since people have noted how SP regen is getting buffed?

This is something Im heavily interested in too. I want to see how viable heavy CON swordies could be solo.

This guy seems to run some characters in ktos, with the new patch.
I don’t understand korean at all, so if someone know : I see the part where he do a Siaulai mission, and get the first rank at every boss, with only Enchant Fire (lv 5 I guess), Swell Left Arm lv3 and auto attacking while jumping.
So, my question is : Do we finally know how they modify the buffs of the Thaumaturge ? I guess they’re not flat anymore ? But did they made them scale with int or spr too ?

You don’t need that much con either. 2 rapid bangles + rhevi necklace will already give 168 more HP recovery (then add battle bird for more) giving my current swordie 800+ (something between 700 and 800 I forget) hp recovery per sec already.

Considering I can give 1 sec hp recovery to all my toons, I’m looking to that for all my solo farming needs.

Err swell left and right arm already scales with INT in iTOS they just buffed it a little more and made it scale with SPR too, the attribute is now % in ktest making it really good buff.

That makes sense, Im just looking to also have high block since it will be super valuable in PvE now that damage cant be super low. (Along with high HP recovery. Just wanna see how far high CON swordies can push.)

holy thauma buffs op now ? <333

He barely use Mergen skill, and when he does, it’s incomparable to split shot. Too bad I can’t see his gear. Probably lack of aoe atk ratio for triple arrow+homing arrow mass aoe.

They could have buff Mergen attribute extended range to give some aoe atk ratio cause Mergen really need it.

No 15 min clear, no party. Sorry but i think it’s not worth to take c3, probably i will re roll my scouts. I dont want to fight, just my opinion.

Anything nice for Lancer? I’ve seen them doing some OK damage but I can hardly find any videos of them amazing damage or other class combinations with it