Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I thought that IMC goal (according to them) was to remove extremes and that’s a fail (for now). Also, IMC goal, according to videos, was to ease off solo play. And that’s another fail (for now).

That’s not the point, tho. If he takes 5k with his gear, it’s safe to say that someone with white/blue gear is 1-2 hits.

To clarify, I’m not against balancing, but I’m totally against rushing out things without properly testing them.
You might expect to overachieve, but you can end up overfailing.

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I don’t know man. For someone who [seems] very well geared. He doesn’t move/behave like a skilled player though. At least not in the HG video, he’s just running into the fray.

EDIT: No tactical retreat, no nothing, just standing there and face-tanking while attempting to DPS. Which is very reminiscent of how we do it now with our current system. Maybe he hasn’t adjusted away from the 1 incoming dmg playstyle. He had 15K HP (at the crucial moment) and he could’ve kept replenishing it, he could’ve moved away a bit, could’ve prioritize killing the normal mobs (which he clears quickly), but instead he really wanted to down that Elite which allowed the normals to burst him down.

Just ignoring his potion when it’s on CD (I added a small correction to my earlier comment):

I get your points though. This particular player just doesn’t seem like a good [all-encompassing] example to base the success or failure of the [rebalance patch]. Need to see more from other people. :slight_smile: But that’s just me.

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Look, I’m talking about the raw numbers, not his gameplay. If he stood still taking damage, it’d would have even been better.

It’s like I’m talking about the moon and you’re looking at the finger.


Wasn’t this one of the things they wanted to change? This is exactly what we do now because we just take 1s.

I didn’t say your point was invalid though…

I’m at the angle of, player skill and playstyle will actually matter because we’re not all taking 1s all the time when we’re geared to a certain (easily achievable) extent.

I’ll let it go, we are taking this on two very different angles and I understand we won’t meet in the middle. It’s fine. :slight_smile:

And I’m talking about the extremes that didn’t go away, so the average player will be as frustrated as before.
I don’t have problems dodging, but I don’t see any change, if not for the worse.

If one wants to see if extremes are still there or not, standing still is a good way.
But it seems you don’t get my point.


don’t talk to TheAlleyCats who blame everything , nothing can pleased him/her.

the new formula of damage is decent , just a little defense can decrease around 30-40% (like imc said).

Elite mobs now very dangerous not just mob type like today , they called it Anger Mob (got tons of HP/DMG and even spawn slaves like Boss in Ro do)

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Its from an elite mob tough, those are incredible strong and annoying with debuffs. A white geared player would take almost the same amount tbh, i had default kupole gear and it was pretty much the same experience, but i was a shield user.

Here we go with ad hominem attacks.
I’m just not pleased that patch was rushed without proper testing, extremes still there are a byproduct of that.


Dear god I hope there are few or none of those elites that are ranged magic. Physical is fine for me.

I think they succeeded. They just need to tweak damage values some more for some high level mobs. 5k damage taken with decent gear might seem extreme but consider it’s probably like 5k with decent gear vs. 8k with bad gear whereas before it would be 1 damage with decent gear vs. 20k with bad gear. Those are the extremes that existed before, this is a lot more reasonable by comparison. It just needs to be less punishing vs. geared players.


rushed? KR have update they test for a month , even now it is changing in KR

you didn’t knew about extremes is , just 5k dmg Nah.

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Wasn’t the point to discuss about his skill but about damages he takes…

And on iToS we are faaaaaaar from the fluidity of kToS servers, impossible to play with skill only, you’re gonna take some damage whatever.

Combat changes seems good on paper, but if you got raped in dungeon 290 with a 330 full stuff, it’s a bit wtf :slight_smile:


Yes, it’s rushed. They changed things every week and 1 month for such a huge patch is not enough.
And about extremes, I soloed glutton in elgos abbey when it was bugged, for your information.



May you have to lets them change for a years? How long you didn’t said it rushed?

oh i got 50k dmg in solmiki and it isn’t extreme much.

Isn’t that DoV (-% def per stack) that’s helping him get hurt (in his 290 video)? Or isn’t that a thing anymore? I genuinely have no idea how much more damage a Doppel receives under DoV per stack in the [rebalance].

Years? No. Still one month it’s not enough if you change things every week. And don’t compare stupid ET where you take damage only if you go out of melstis/ausrine, with normal maps gameplay.

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you didn’t answers my question yet.

Not enough isn’t answers.

why you blaming about ? It now even come to iTOS yet, and it still changing in KR

Extreme? Now in Normal map you will saw some mob casting spiral arrow and rekt your full con build.

If that new HG elite only deal 5k damage (even well gear). It fine no extreme.

Sorry, I can’t tell if this is supposed to be “extreme” or not.

In the video we don’t see his gear. What is his armor? Also he is a doppel and uses Deeds of Valor which means more dmg received.

You’re right, 13% damage increase. On top of that he has a Sarkmis, he’s 2:2 Plate:Leather, zero CON full DPS build. This is an actual glass cannon now. I’m sure there’s more rebalancing to do, but this is actually a good sign of making survivability worth investing in.

EDIT: I forgot about the DOV change, thanks @Di3rn.


@DiMeowgio resumed his gear in an earlier post:

There is another video which shows it, I posted it as well in this thread.