Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

DoV no longer have stacks or decreases p def It now increase damage taken and dealt (like a strike debuff for example), his was lv9 so it was 13% more damage. A little bit is dov fault i guess.

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Eating 5k as Doppel from 330 Elite Mob is totally fine. You can pot that out alone and with a party and only decent gear according to the new scaling you probably get hit for like 7-8k which a Cleric or FF easily manages to heal.

Also given the sh1tload of dmg Doppel got they are fine by eating some more damage. ;D


Kewl~ He had pretty high HP for a Glass Cannon then!

I see, I see. :slight_smile:

Oddly enough, he didnā€™t even bother (at least not once during the moment he was being ganked) until he died. :confused:

Also, donā€™t they have access to two potions now? Or do they not have independent CDs of each other so thereā€™s no point in bringing both?


3 type (except cash one)

they all seperate in CD

if it doesnā€™t change after put in KR thenā€¦

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Someone that gets itā€¦

If their goal was:

To reduce frustration of the average character while soloing normal maps

while introducing those elite mobs 1-2 shotting the same ā€œaverage characterā€, I simply donā€™t see how they succeeded.

You missed this. :confused:

290 DG = Instanced Dungeon (not a normal map, intended for parties).
Hunting Ground = Not a normal map as well.

Elite mobs are not an exclusive of HG, HG is an open dungeon like many met while questing (so I consider it a normal map) and I never talked about the instanced dungeons.

elite mob =/= normal mobs , why not just run away or ignore it?

you are talking like they are 50% of mob that is eliteā€¦ and this is very frustration.

Like you saw red mob and you decide not to kill it something like that.

To reduce frustration of the average character while soloing normal maps

RPG life , find some friends , guildmate.

This is not darksouls (even darksoul you still have phantom to help you)


Thanks, your post just confirmed my point :smile_cat:

Correct, but weā€™re also aware that HG mobs are generally stronger than their outer world counterparts. Thereā€™s even warning signs near the entrances of HGs right?

Quests are instanced (like when a boss is spawned) though (you and your party members are separated from the active map) while remaining in the same area.


Hunting Grounds are a new map concept focused on hunting and farming. Unlike instanced dungeons and missions, hunting grounds donā€™t have a specific goal to complete, and you wonā€™t find any boss monsters in them.[/quote]

HG is HG, not a normal map, not an instanced dungeon either but a special [feature] as IMC stated.

I know, I know, but thatā€™s one of his videos as well. :smiley:

So I included it as a pre-emptive, because it was mentioned by me and another person.

Just as long as DPS Swordsman/Cleric/Rogue isnā€™t pure suicide. Thatā€™s probably the biggest risk of the rebalance.

I get that the vid you showed was to showcase ā€œjust numbersā€ but the numbers in the vid pretty much ā€œline upā€ with their released intent.

The trash damage was at 400ā€™s and that lines up with the fact that they want HG to be party content. It IS a fact already that HG is SUPPOSED to be harder than fields. And it is. So add this to the fact that we also have the ā€œnew eliteā€ mobs that hit WAY harder than the regular mobs, 5k is still in line.

If the vid showed 5k damage from trash mobs then you would have a case.


I watched the video, and frankly that damage is fine given how stupid slow the enemy was attacking (you could see him easily running around some of their swings)

Also, saying it did 5k as if itā€™s normal is rather misleading, you could see the mob doing 3500 damage as well, and the 5k hit at the end was done while heā€™s sitting on Monstrance WHICH REDUCES DEFENSE (the next hit being 3k again after he got out)

So basically:

  1. Itā€™s a slow attacking enemy that casual walk around can dodge its attack (unlike archers or mages with auto-lockon)
  2. The guy had reduced defense due to Monstrance.
  3. Itā€™s ELITE enemy, itā€™s supposed to hit harder than normal

Heck at the start you can see normal enemies doing about 1k to him.
So a ā€˜bossā€™ doing only 3-4 times more damage than normal mobs AND you can avoid the attack? Gee sure is some ā€˜extremeā€™ damage right there /s


My concern as well. Right now, the emphasis on DPS over survivability is bad, but that doesnā€™t mean it should be overcompensated more in the update to make the emphasis on survivability, preferably it would be a balanced choice with advantages and disadvantages. We need some more info though from high geared players, as this guyā€™s character was built to die.

They are on par with mobs with the same HP. Warning signs are not an exclusive of HG. They are there because some low levels might accidentally go in (similar signs are on low level maps connected with high levels ones).

They are an open dungeon, like nevellet quarry, crystal mines lot2 and similar maps (some have quests too).

Anyway, itā€™s ok, I concede. Time will tell if the ā€œaverage playersā€ (that many said they quit because R8 mobs were oneshotting them) will be happy or not.

confirmed what? If you not that stupid you knew what i mean :wink:

and HG =/= normal map , IMC already said.

PS. you even said it DUNGEON :wink:


No, Iā€™m stupid, youā€™re right :smile_cat:

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i thinks you are very stupid :joy:

HueHue life , not want to play then quit.

RIP my irony comment , donā€™t blame me

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Sorry, Iā€™m too stupid to understand what you say :smile_cat:

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So not a normal map (which is where you hinged your entire case and what you repeatedly defended) thenā€¦ case closed.

You shot your foot. :slight_smile: