Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Do you know if SPR affects also other summons def/damage, like bokor’s zombie?

havent checked, went sorc 2 for riding so i would have to make another wizard for necro and level it for skells and a cleric for bokor.

are you sure that its still a fake multi-hit?

yes because if 1 hit crits EVERYTHING crits wich is fake multi hit behavior, unlike multi shot wich crits are calculated individually.

you do have a point there. but looking at it, did the scaling made spiral arrow better?

Alright, thanks. May I ask you how fast is SP regen with that much SPR? Do you need pots to have 100% uptime?

any love for Monks on the ktest updates? :smiley:

yes, by a lot, spiral arrow is 1728% at lvl 15 while is 1220%. the thing however is that spiral has a ridiculous cooldown of 36 seconds and is strictly single target. while multi shot has 14 cd and posible aoe but with cast time. so you have a more spammable weaker one vs a faster more damage but with higher cooldown.

Hey, do you know if the summons attack speed increases since it has its own dex stat too?

summons auto attacks are skills so nope. also hard to tell for me since i have 600 ping.

also would love to check other summons, because it seems there is now skill factor for them too… shadow galer second skill hits around 250% and 3rd skill is around 200% .

i see, so its gotten to be a good single target burst now rather than losing potential at the higher levels

Salamion lvl 1 with 176 SPR is hitting for 2500~ on leafbugs wich have 0 defense.

fun fact: i have 627 SP Regen right now wich doesnt add to what gwenyth said SP gave. but i must say this amount of SP regen feels amazing, when it ticks is almost like a potion was used.


Darn… would be cool to have summons att fast too.

2.5k? that hits like a truck lol.

Question. What was your summon skill lv for the spirit at? and was your card lv 1?

card is at lvl 1, summoning didnt change in attack when i went from 1 to 10, but defense got higher, seems it is 1 * spr + scaling from summoning.

int is still a good stat for summoning while riding but you can just live with a high matk weapon instead specially with later weaps giving both SPR and Int we might see damage spikes on summon… doesnt the lvl 315 free dungeon cloth set gives like 50 SPR ? along with the … 60? that gives windia i think, thats 110 wich wouldnt be surprised if gives like 700 more attack on SPR alone.

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Windia gives 60 SPR, highest amount among practonium based weapons.
I guess it’s a viable and better choice for SPR based and/or SP hungry builds.

So, how does this work exactly?

Oblique shot lvl 15 is 408% damage;
Twin arrows lvl 5 is 241*2 = 482% damage;

However Oblique still bounces to other targets and has no cooldown while Twin arrows has cooldown still.

Bash 15 = 408% damage;
Double Slash 5 = 182*2 = 364% damage;

Harder to compare since Double slash has the crit attribute, but still, Bash has a lot less cooldown and more raw damage…

Also, is it just me or bash attribute is still 28 flat damage?
And squire’s enchant armor is still 5 flat defense? Lol.

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a lot of attributes dont make sense with new system and also a lot of stuff not working correctly so i guess we have for next week and the following months to see how stuff evolves

RIP Hopes and Dreams. But I saw someone using Oblique faster with high dex hmmmm.

Hmm, interesting. Glad def is going up. they get killed so fast on higher lv maps.

There is one thing that worries me though. Templeshooter card. It will prob still be the best card because of its range. I just wish that we could have the summon target a creature/player and it follows it and attacks. The current one is bad because about time the summon gets there the target moved or went around the summon before it could land a hit. Melee summons hurt the most from it while templeshooter has an aoe shooting range.

Those SPR weapons/gears look great now bec adding the difference from 7 SPR and 176 SPR seemed to give 4.7 for each point. I’m sure this isn’t accurate at all but adding that +169 SPR gave over 100% to its attack value. So if 4.7 was close to how it adds up then +50 SPR would be 235 more attack power. Though i’m sure there is more to it than this probably…

IMO rexipher is better for strict dps reasons than TS because you can boost its damage with lethargy, and last i checked i think mirtis hits 3 times, no idea on helga.