Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

TFW “huge gameplay update coming soon” and instead of speculation on that everyone is talking about new skins.


Maggi needs love too. <3


Shards and Bless still tradable, only trancended equip will be “untradable by any means”… buts it is already this way, so…

yes. But dont need to tag me, I already know that lol

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Holy ■■■■ this is the best news I have seen in a while. Lets hope for the best!

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KToS version of survival instinct.

@Gwenyth Same event, yes.

@Anarth S.K. internet superior. :confused:


Might be fun to have the ping working at your side, not against you. heh.


Is that the same as the iTOS event had a while back?
I’ve never done the event before so i don’t know if there are any differences.

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It’s the same event but it’s a lot worse here due to ping lol.

If the boss attacks were client-sided we wouldn’t need to worry about latency…but that would open a window for more hacks :frowning:

Yes, it is the same as iToS.

Hmm, i see ~ Thanks.
I’d probably die within the first 10 seconds. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, in any case - i have finished the write-up for the 30/03/2017 Patch on kTOS. I think there may be some truncated holes in the writing, but if so i’ll just double check it again.

I’ve actually not written the latest kTEST patch that happened on 28/03/2017 since i was getting my itos firecracker on, but most of the changes i skimmed over were general bug fixes & applications of descriptions to the ‘circle 3’ costume sets describing their custom anim/particle effects. I’ll post it tomorrow or later in the day though.


exactly same
except when you have routing problem and packet loss …it’ll get worse (like me)

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Ktos server have unexpected maintenance and they get rewards for it o.O here in iTOS we get 0 rewards and IMC double it !

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Look at their temp maint rewards…extend token time and instance multiplier…

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You should consider making a thread about it, if you believe this. :wink:

I was able to craft a 8x tome with only the tomes I received as downtime compensation, I still got some spares :^)

kToS indeed receive better compensations but I guess that Nexon has to do with how generous it is.

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I could craft two x8 tomes and one x4 tome from compesations. I used them all on the Fortune Cookie event. It was bad when they changed them to timed tho, but glad they are reverting this.

KTOS Information Release has been delayed to April 5th:

That’s unfortunate, but hopefully the extra time will give IMC better preparation.

That really messes with the GM Meetup here in ITOS as it’s now before the information release so we will be unable to ask questions on it.

Aaaaand the status revamp announcement was postponed for Wednesday(04/05) it seems.

But this time they promised a video.

2 more days waiting >,>

(i don’t know shit of Korean,just made up from the mess google translate did)