Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I don’t think anyone can give you a legit answer but that looks like it’s part of the idle pose.

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They better hype this sh~t ASAP. Game pop’s hitting 2k mark.

is it true shard/bless gem will become untradable in ktos??
even in team storage??

Nooo /20charactersss

hey, what is this???

Recycle Medal, it is tradable now based on kTOS’ patch.

Correction, it can now be put in team storage only. Market and 1:1 Trades are not available for the item.

Before the changes (and the current iToS behavior), the tokens are character bound.

exactly medal are exchangable with characters via team storage, but not tradable.

It didnt work last time I tested :thinking:

it works in ktest. …obviously not here yet

I misread your text, lel. mb.

Saying it once again…Finally

This right?

From what I see here, it says that Trans’d equipment is untradable, they never mentioned about shard/bless gems
Dunno where people see shard/bless gems being untradable

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It’s about the way the picture is displayed.

You can see blessed shard in the same picture as the restriction icons, which made some assume that they were turning untradeable, as most players don’t understand korean (myself included).

use google translation, ezpz

That’s the very reason why people panicked haha. Google translator is very misleading.


…google translation just say
trans’d equipment
dunno what misleading for that.


But then again, not everyone knows how to write in korean.
That wording there couldn’t be copy pasted as it is shown in the video.

use your phone’s google translation app
that works for me all the time

Google translate have an option (pencil icon) to draw Korean words.

Whoops, sorry for the mistranslation, I have worded my comment wrong. :v:

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