Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

You can’t be serious.

Unfortunately, the cap level of Overestimate is 3, rather than 5.

Wow, really? That sucks. The tosneet skill planner said it was capped at 5 :x

FPS is way better with this new patch of test server?

Does anyone know whether the Plague Death Steam bug that it spreads to oneself or party members got fixed in kTOS already? That ■■■■ gets on my nerves more and more each day…

its not expensive/hard to buy antidote tho … i mean sure its annoying tht the mechanic shouldnt work like tht as its suppose to but there , u have a temporarily solution

I have 70% and close to 5k matk. I die in 3 hits with close to 40k HP - that’s the problem here. o.o
I carry antidotes but if I throw an SP potion and it triggers then an fuckin done for.

gotta increase that backstab damage


Hard to say, even the cities are quite empty in the server so can’t really say how the fps would be with a large number of players in the same screen.

I also get a pretty stable 60fps in both itos and test server(less drops on this one tho) outside of cities, however ktest server seems to have way less stuttering and everything overall is just a lot smoother.

Recovery from knockback/knockdown with event paper box. :confused:
Similar to fighter arcade game mid-air recovery.

edit: might have been fixed already (?)

i did prefer that 5% damage over that any day. And the crit chance isn’t like swift step which is self focus. :rolling_eyes: Esp at this stages.

If you notice more debuffs are getting resisted as we speak. That include incinerate, slithering etc etc etc.

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was fixed. just that this bug resurface in ITOS.

Ah nice that means there is hope - thank you kindly. :slight_smile:

Everyone forgets the humble hakkapalle.

Anyway, Appraiser seems good. For a shop class at least, most shop classes don’t do ■■■■ in combat. Making enemy equipment completely vanilla +0 and without transcendence seems huge in PVP and you get some decent buffs as well.

Does anyone know how much crit chance Blindside gives? People take Rogue just for Sneak Hit and this is like a mini Sneak Hit for your entire party without requiring backstabs for crit.

There is some very suspicious wording on it that it “ignores your crit rate”. Let’s say the crit rate it gives is “x”. If your crit rate is below x then good. If your crit rate is above x then it is very bad. Suspicious skill description is suspicious.

Valid option for pvp combat?

It’s not suspicious. It says it increases minimum crit chance regardless of your crit rate. That’s consistent with Sneak Hit. Essentially Sneak Hit (and this new skill from its description) works like this,

You invest modestly into DEX. Normally your crit rate gives you a 40% crit chance. With 60% Sneak Hit, you have 100% crit chance.

You invest nothing into DEX and have no critrate gear. Normally your crit rate is so low it gives you -20% crit chance. You effectively have 0% crit chance since crit chance can’t be negative. 60% Sneak Hit increases your crit chance to 40%.

This skill should work similarly, making it really strong for anyone with less than 100% crit chance (which is basically everyone in general), even if they have low crit rate, since +20% crit rate is not nearly as good as +20% crit chance.

event paper from kTOS only right?

Yeah for got about them(don’t see them much often), in fact they’re better at offhand with 2 skills compared to rogue’s 1.

Like Finestra then? it adds flat crit.
Or like other crit mod skill that increases crit based on current crit/Dex stat?
Or does it translate to: Perfect Crit(like ro’s Pdodge), flat +[X]crit% chance, outside the crit calculations.

That’s good news and pretty much unspoken confirmation of DPK’s existence and implementation pre-changes.

– September 2016

From this old @ss thread: [DropPerKill] Drop rate system- DPK- Explained [Updated]2

#Slit the throats of all the non-believers.

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