Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Not sure should I go and try out the test server, if only we can copy our chars there haiz.

I hope the testers also try out effects of varied skill levels since not everything is written on the skill tootips, like SkullSwingā€™s armor break increases duration with level.
Or, are skill are working properly, namely: passives and attribute effects of upopular/unused skills.
eg: PhysicalLink multiplying damage instead dividing it(basically applying JP to self and party), Cataā€™s 2handspear BlockPen bonus not applying right now, and SwordC2 Thrust:Bleeding not applying on stunned.

edit: made some tests too, yeah, blockpen 's working alright, not just showing

cata 2 hand spear block pen, is working as intended but does not show on the screen, there is multiple tests made by multiple players on the forum, you can search it out!.
and on a side note; i myself have tested as well so unless they ninja nerfed it with recent patches, it is there and working!

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how how? Iā€™m kinda interested

has it been released yet ?

i heard there was a discord for the test server. could someone link it to me thanks

@stryffe_20 @d_88overcome Blue button is to download and start the client

@highblaze2 I couldnā€™t find one anywhere, and the guy on Reddit hasnā€™t replied to me, so Iā€™m convinced it doesnā€™t exist yet.

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Thanks for the additional info. Will get on soon.

why the fawk are you so amazing

I was just looking and apparently there was supposed to be a new optimization patch for ktos last week.
Their server stability isnā€™t always the best either apparently. At least they get a post like this after tho. :sweat:

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Pretty much many players like me are new (new in term that we never experience kCBT/ kOBT) and need free accounts for that lol

There is no legal way of obtaining a free account if youā€™re not from there. (Unless you have south korean friend or something) Thereā€™s some ways however but they are not free, use google. :slight_smile:

All the Archer lovers:

4 attributes of Appraiser was added on this weekā€™s patch.

But I am kinda shocked that Appraiser is a rank 5 class, which is a little low in my opinion.


Ah so Appraiser class is still planned and not dropped

Yeah, it is not implemented yet. But since there are four new attributes added, I think we can say that Appraiser will come out soon.

And by the way, a few weeks ago, Appraiserā€™s shop board was also added.

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What is this?
Appraiser is going to be a Deckard Cain?
Something with hunting grounds?


I assume that the normal appraiser can identify that hunting ground eqs
while appraiser as a class can do it (I mean increasing/decreasing potential and slots) with normal eqs as well

Besides hunting grounds equipment appraising Iā€™got 0 idea what the possible skills an Appraiser will have any guesses?

Google Translate said they added a new hidden class to the test server. Appraiser came in already?! :open_mouth:

Oh wait! I forgot to remove the glasses ā€¦lol