Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

It kind of depends on what the test server’s purpose is for. If it is for new content R9 and beyond, it will be better to allow copying of existing Teams from the official servers to the test server. Everytime the test server gets new patches/maintenance, the teams will be wiped and every tester will have to copy their team over again.

This allows for many degrees of testing with higher droprates and also prevents ‘opportunists’ from treating the test server just like any other server and not playing on the official servers.

Did I miss something, I thought the Test Server went live back in April, ITOS?
T est
O ut
S hi*


There are warnings that the database can get wiped anytime also the uptime of the test server wont be 24/7 and can have big downtimes. So doubt that may be the case.

if its r9 and beyond …they would just do instant lvl up to r9 rather than transfering team (normally), at least that’s what I get from testing other game before this. I never encountered existed character transfer before, unless if you’re talking about the last ToS seasonal server, as that’s a bit different…

Diablo3 Test Realms do allow Team transfers though. The reasoning behind is to get players with a variety of levels and gear levels (important) to test out the new content.

It kind of makes no sense to instant level to R9 and give the best equipment to test the content. In the end we will get what we have in the initial phases of R8, where high mdef monsters created a huge wave of discontent amongst the community.

Having testers of various gear levels testing out new content will help balance out the PVE level so that when the content rolls out, no one will get left behind just because their gear level is average. It also gives the developers more insight on where and when to add in helper gears so that the players can continue with their quests and grind without hitting a huge wall they can’t overcome.

@s1lv3rw0lf Nice. Is test server open to everyone or invitational only?

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D3 PTR is a great example of a test realm done right. Just a shame about the hours long queue times.

Open to all players.
Here is some english [further information] about this test server.

you can DL the client for it too at
it will use NGM to download this one too, as before.


Tried to install the english patch over it and it screwed the client.xml file. Don’t try it, lol.

can anyone obtain the direct download link, please? :slight_smile: I would like to download client via IDM

:black_circle: The Purpose For Test Server 'Kupole’
:diamonds: The Test Server ‘Kupole’ is going to be used for testing purposes
to provide a more stable service when it is exported to the official servers.

:thumbsup: good approach.

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As per the recent announcement., The Test Server Kupole has had some adjustments to their EXP rates, they are no longer x3 but instead x5 - also with some further additions, Item drop rate is doubled and attributes are 50% cheaper than the official servers.

I actually see the point of this server, but have mixed feelings about it. This is going to be a pre patch/beta server for people who wants to cooperate with feedback about their new patches/etc. But why do we still have to level to do this? For example, if they change something on mergen, do we still have to spend time to level a char to send feedback for them? Why don’t they give rank cards instead?
Also TP rewards and TP store? Even if it’s marked as a changeable feature, I don’t see any point on this.

you still need to level up to findout the bugs hide in the game content. what if you are able to jump to rank 8 immediately but a quest in rank 4 has problem? Pretty sure no one will find out.

it is not fair for testers if they need to buy TP via real money. Maybe IMC&Nexon are trying to find a way to provide TP for free in the most suitable way.

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Well, I’m pretty sure this will be unnoticed with server rates, most people will tend to grind. Also, a quest bug is a minor bug, unless it is a main quest or denies your progression, like class quest/dungeon quest, it’s no priority. When it launches on official sv someone will notice and report.

Yea, I think the same way too. Or they should remove TP completely. Most TP store items are visuals, and the others are in the game since launch and are working fine. For example, when launching new cubes/TP items, they should give a batch to all players, instead of putting into market. At some time we will have no tp left.

theres free tp given.

Via team level. there’s also other consideration to it. they will just mostly give out free tp as and when for it.

any way it’s 5x exp and 3x silver now.
they practically want you to go through quest / grind fast to get to the later contents as they release anyway. The pre 7 contents are more or less “stable”.

They also did mention as and when if they want to wipe they will with no question asked. o_o

How do i register? requires korean cell number :frowning:

you can’t register with regular way

So, who’s actually going to play in the test server? Is it just going to be me? :’)

Ill try to level a warlock to leech

Considering going for it, I didn’t really enjoy ktos back when there was no itos due to a lot of lag and obviously I wouldn’t want to get seriously invested in a korean server. A test server however seems like nice idea, could also share a bit more light on some changes and content updates for people here on the forums given the chance. :slight_smile: