Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Unless you pick doppel at R8 and hope R9 will save your build. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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it can, i have tested it!, at least with dagger because the pistol dwa is not on itos yet, and i do not have corsair 3, only 2 .
a good corsair 2 doppel2 build for dov+dwa combo would be very nice to have if imc decides to buff dwa, i myself have talked about this type of build before! in previous discussions about corsair but as we stand right now, it is not worth !

Any complaints about dethrone in KToS?

DWA to be effective, you must get: hi PhyAttack + hi CritAttack because you work with 0 multipliers(excluding the critical multiplier).

Mobs def average 800-1400(excluding et) so you need at least 7k Pattack and 2k critical attack to deal 10k damage excluding de armor type factor.

I think no one here is crazy to achieve that value to do AA.

think it’s worth it with the extra drops from looting?

They have offline meeting with IMC + players in Korea. :sweat_smile:

Event Name : TOS Talk Talk
Schedule : 02/11 ( Sat ) 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Place : IMC GAMES In- house meeting room

  • you must bring your ID card .
    -Snacks and drinks are available for you to enjoy .
  • No additional transportation or transportation is provided .
    It’s small, but it’s the first offline event since ToS started.

Edit: note this means on February 11


well, at least for me; DWA, to be effective it needs a lot less than 7k atk.
the main point at least in my opinion would be to use dwa as filler , when all the skills are in cd or as replace for lower level skills if the players do not have any attribute.
but as main skill, as building a character around dwa, it would be pretty difficulty without any type of buffing = running shot or more since we all know the downside that dwa have like you have pointed out!, there is no good multiplier,since the weapon seems to lose its type on dwa, so it would be even harder, and once you take in consideration the need to also transcend the dagger, it would become everything even more expensive!.
my point is: i do think that unlike qs running shot , dwa is not suppose to be the main core of corsair builds, at least right now there is not enough tools for that, and in the future i doubt it will be as well, since imc seems to be putting corsair with supp with all those buffs, and the funny thing is, if imc had buffed dwa with similar effect as running shot, that would already be “enough” for the entire balance of the class as right now, it would not make the class OP, but dwa with running shot buff would be more than enough to keep the class viable; like any other qs out there!.

on a side note for everyone a little experiment i made with dwa: i would like to comment here for players that like dual wield and want to build a char around it for fun but is afraid that you will never be able to do anything with it and the char will just be rotting in your lodge:
you can build a corsair for 145 clean dg, it would not be as good as scout, but hey i’m talking here about a gameplay style and someone could want it : if you want to build a dwa build for fun, it is very viable as solo 130-145 dg, since there is a lot of devil-ghost armor monsters there; allowing for sacrament plus holy element hats to hit hard, and i really mean HARD, i can hit up to close to 10k per cycle of dwa and this would mean close to 1-2k per hit with my holy element hats; and so on!.
and is a lot of fun and i will explain how i do: first this character of mine is not build around dwa, so he is not in the PEAK to farm the dg, is only something that i do because i can and wanted to test it, and got very nice results!.
as item set; you will only need a good five hammer(red or yellow gem , for dwa yellow seems to be better for dwa (if you are dex of course) , but since my five hammer is for all nuubs he have red gems :frowning: ;
plus holy elements hat + sacrament, and cafrisun!
??? 2 aoe ratio rings???, >>helps since normally a group have 5 mobs, and with the two rings+ five hammer you will be able to hit 5 group of mobs, it can be done without the rings as well; since they are expensive!.
and the most important of all, to allow the farm to be viable if you compare with scout , is that you need some of those quest that allow for perma aggro-lure, just keep the quest in the timeline without doing it, because without it there is so much running to spots, that it simple becomes too boring, and will increase the time for each run alot.
the basic build would be corsair 2+ doppel2 if you are building around dwa; since dov atk speed, work with dwa;
i do not have doppel anymore; had it before when i made the test to see if it works; but have reset it for shinobi; but again like i wrote the char is not to clean dg and when i made test i had only doppel1 as well.

then just enter the center of the respaw; (take some dispel for ice mobs,) and keep hitting with five hammer!.
when i tried i got it from 25-30 minutes a clean from 130(some range mobs make it harder to group them and hit) ;
and a little less than 23-25 minutes for a 145, that as 0 attribute;
to be clear; i do not have the rings; nor i do have a build with doppel2; so it could be done in a lot less time if i had both of those as i have wrote;
but is nice and viable ; it won’t be as good as scout; but in my point of view; the character needs less investment(money) than a scout; since there is no use with attributes; and the five hammer you can share with all your alts, i doubt that there is no one here who do not have one at this point in the game.

in the future: this build will become even better at cleaning dg 145 once the new buffs hits, since we will gain a lure option with flag, plus reduction of stamina from dwa, allowing for a better-fast cleaning, maybe will be able to do in 20minute or less.
tip: just do some of the hidden quests so you can have 40-50stamina, with leather.

and i will just write this again, since some people may not read at the first time; i’m not trying to compare with scout; not i’m saying it is better at cleaning dg 145, i’m just saying that is FUN and VIABLE for anyone who likes the gameplay(real dual wield) and want to build one and have some use for him, without letting it die in the lodge!.

People are tied to meta nowdays, fun comes in 2nd or 3rd place.
DWA as a filler can be fun but not effective its just like any other swords AA’ing when run out fo skills(crap damage to not saying you’re taking a break till your skills is ready to use).

I tried to build a corsair around DWA I got around 6k damage per hand but cheating a bit(in leather). Thats why I pointed 7k to be effective in mobs with 800-1400 def. Hiting 4k in a mob with 400k hp is quite sad.

yeah; building around dwa right now; is impossible; but as filler is perfectly fine, and after using dwa i got to know, that the move speed that we gain, because there is no delay between atk , is very stronger already i’m sure that i can do both hits faster than one “normal” hit so this would mean 2x the speed and we can make even faster with dov and so on, so the there is potential, the downside is the scaling of skills from rank 8 on ward that really killed most pre-rank 7 skills and dwa of course is one of those, since the skill already had it very good amount of problems as well.

But hey; hiting 4-6k per hit with dwa is very stronger, as filler in my opinion even at rank 8 content unless you are doing like i wrote in my guide for 145 clean, that we focus mainly on devil-ghost armor mobs, and thus could hit like that ! but if you hit 4-6k even at “normal” leather mobs i would still say again that is a very nice filler because it means 8k-12k + per cycle, so killing a mob with dwa only, is out of question, but it work well to clean those low hp mobs that are still alive once the rotation is on cd and this is what i could call a good filler but then we enter in another one of it’s problems, that is stamina consumption, and the list goes on; dwa have it’s potential, but have too many problems as well, so building around it is not viable as main character, it is fun without doubt!
have you seen the recent videos about AA inquisitor builds? if swordsman had at least half of those “tools” to boost AA, corsair DWA builds would be very stronger and i myself could go as main AA swords without doubt, since dual wield, (true dual wield , where you really need the off hand to act) is my favorite stance on games!.

about defense i do not really see it as problem, at least when we talk about bosses ,because as you can seen for my guide, the focus is fivehammer to clean the dg so the spear path is out of question, so of course i recommend for that build highlander3 because of armor break, after all defense is a very stronger concern for AA builds, and skull swing helps a lot in that scenery.
is better if we stop this talk for now in here ; since this is ktos thread, but if you want to continue, just send me a pm, and we can keep the discussion going, or we could go to other thread!.

My corsair never goes beyond level 200 xD. He is taking a break.

Yeah you’re right, better keep the focus here. Well, better go to my bed.

I saw this on kTOS:

Looking forward to iTOS test server so much :heart_eyes:

I don’t know if they would make one for iTOS too. I’d personally hope that the testing environment will allow them to perform some more major changes specifically for testing purposes similarly to how classes were being juggled up and down constantly during the early stages of kOBT. I was actually reading through the operating policy of this and I wonder if it it will be something they consider doing right away.

Interesting nonetheless.

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3x EXP Rates
The cards will have EXP multiplier too?

Just the hunting EXP they said nothing about the cards yet, although some ppl are already saying 3x higher is too little and that 5~10x would be more suitable for testing due to difficulty. :confused:

If its a test server why don’t they let some commands to get lvl, gear, etc? Remember RMS Test Server, something like that.

They have item packages that give gear to players, the cash shop purchases on the server won’t consume TP. And given the light of the mystic cube scenario, i hope they avoid commands entirely.

Even if itos dont make test server for player…
Looking forward for kr test server …hahaha

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I am wondering if they allow Team transfer to join Test server or Testers need to play from beginning. Looking forward to your translation. :slight_smile:

Tester need to play from the beginning. Normally they don’t do normal server to test server transfer…as test server data can be rollback, deleted anytime…you dont want that to happen to your normal server’s team…lol

Oh my god, are they bringing kTest back?