Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

By any chance do you know if these new items can have different number of socket slots via Appraisal system?

Yes, usually 1.
2 if you are very lucky when appraising.

Also if lv170 gloves [1] cost ~50k, same [2] gloves will cost around 900k on the market.

This new system sounds so fun. A hacka friend is gonna try to get the max amount of slots on a sword from Hunting Ground to slot it to the skies.

I will try to get a 2 slot dagger, for the Physical Damage that can be doubled by Hengestone.

Iā€™m really loving the idea behind this.

Power Staff should give aspd bonus.

Itā€™s pretty sad that generic Karacha tier Dagger does better.

Actually no
thats not fire property but psycho
ģ—¼ ģ†ģ„± ź³µź²©ė „ = psycho (or soul) property attack
ė¶ˆ ģ†ģ„± ź³µź²©ė „ = fire property attack

See the difference

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Try venom? Poison property? Can someone see this?

I really wish that kind of AA elemental build was viable on Corsair. Double Weapon Assault is so bad.

DWA could give the swordsman an extra AA line, similar to QS ;(

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Thatā€™s so true. Corsairā€™s DWA seriously needs some kind of attribute for extra atk speed and damage scaling (similar to what Running Shot does without any restriction on use for a rank 4 class). Besides, I wish it was somehow less tiresome to use, having to keep pressing those 2 keys is just boring, especially for such low damage as it is right now.

The fact that running shot lets youā€¦ well, run, while DWA basically keeps you rooted in place also makes it so much worse.

You mean summon NekoCat (servant) right not the Familiars?

Or bring back Savagery as an attribute to DWA.

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Iā€™d personally put some kind of secondary ā€œfeverā€ on dwa. Every X hits you get a bonus.

Like 0,2% per hit. capping at 100% at 500 hits. Similar to fever but instead of having to reach 300 stacks to get bonus, you get it as you hit.

500 hits counting all lines of damage shouldnā€™t be specially hard and good for bossing. To not make it overpowered it, bonus could be limited to Autoattacks only.

Going by the kr-db theyā€™ve gived Arde a new Skin too.

The 220 purpleā€™s Arde2.0 which looks like a snazy looking shovel is also nice
+15dex, +235fiire atk, likely slottable

Regarding dagger in hunting ground
Those arenā€™t fire property attack, all of them are psycho attack as tosneetā€™s translation get it wrong.
While the translation stated it as fire, the korean text saying other stuff.


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I think from the start Ktos players really got an enormous imagination to build a character which is off from what the meta and really got alot of nice synergies among classes.

Koreans created the current meta, and iToS copied their findings :+1:


But it canā€™t become too good, since Skill based damage needs attributes+gear to shine.

Auto Attack has the luxury of only needing gear.

Also DWA can hit lots of targets while Running Shot is limited to single target.Maybe just an aspd bonus would end being enough.

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I wonder if the attack speed bonus of Deeds can be stacked on top of DWA to auto attack really really fast.

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Probably, but Imc pretty much killed that possibility making DWA rank6 along DOV