Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Sorry, was looking for confirmation on my guild. There =3

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No need, iā€™m the rushed one hahaha, power staff gives 2, 3 less than five, will still be 10 AAR with powerstaff, and much more dmg, or nah? 200% seems a lot.

Edit: In the video, he said he has almost 500 Earth Attack, iā€™m confused o/

edit2: isnā€™t 500 earth atk is elemental atq xD

He is not using the staff attack. He is pressing C for dagger attacks, they are faster and physical (he is also full DEX)

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Lol, full dex, itā€™s for survivle or dps improve? cuz with the staff/full int would do much more dmg, but i think he donā€™t need more dmg, cuz itā€™s focused in clear 10mobs wave per time i guess right?

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Yes, also the attack animation of dagger is waaaay faster than staff

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What skill are they using thatā€™s doing all the damage? I canā€™t see any being activatedā€¦ aa!?

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Yes AA, enchant fire buff from pyro, electric enchant buff by enchanter, quicken for atkspeed from chrono, join penalty has 50% increase earth,electric/posion damage when the mobs are with join penalty effect on them, as they said, familiars to rise AAR, and give improve in dark dmg as well, arde dagger, agny and some headgear with elemental propriety and just AA,i just donā€™t know why the dmg is so high.

No ice damage buff? Weird.

He lowers their AoE Ratio with Hangman attribute btw.

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yeah, weird.

idk, this build seems so fun to pve in fields, but i donā€™t see how can be good in end game purpose.

the elite mobs has more than 1 AADefense, or iā€™m mistaken?

Beside the usual size type S/M/L (1/2/3 aoe def)? Maybe.

Yes iā€™m wondering, but idk for sure, like if they have +1 plus from the size.

Monsters from arkgolf video are from 316 field Emmet Forest - Link

Which dagger is this?
There is no dagger with such exterior in database:

I believe thatā€™s a new dagger you can get in the new Hunting Grounds system not yet implemented in ITOS.

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Correct. First database doesnā€™t have drops from hunting grounds yet.

This dagger (as well as other weapons with dark blue blade) is implemented only on kTOS/jTOS so far.

+11 dex
+177 fire prop. atk
-42 fire prop. res.

extra gem slots in dagger do not matter, since main source of damage is stacking up elem. prop. atk for each line of damage

so this dagger can be easily replaced by karacha / lionhead

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Oh, well. lv170 dagger. And those drops from free dungeons tend to be quite cheap. You can get full 4-item lv170 cloth set for like 200k on jTOS.

Also thereā€™ll be better items soon I guess.

they were faster than me hahaha, and yes, itā€™s a dagger from these hunting grounds i also think is ok to replace by karacha.