Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

anything can be good with link.


Im sorry if Iā€™m wrong but didnā€™t they say ktos got the optimization progress we have before us, so this could actually be new optimization? (They didnā€™t add everything planned on the first go so this could be a second addition.)

Seriously in beta some people here say it is useless to play that build.

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XD beating corsairs on their own game hardd.

What build is that? :open_mouth:

Wizard->Pyromancer->Linker 3 -> Sorcerer -> Chronomancer -> Enchanterā€¦

Boy, what a messy buildā€¦and very gimmicky.

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wondering what the use of sorcerer on that build (based on the video).

I believe he is stacking elemental damage. (Pyro + Enchanter + Sorc)

As it is possible to see from this video, the most of his damage comes from Elemental Property Damage. In one of the meows the summoned servant does it gives the party Dark property attack.

The build idea is basically a wizard version of chaplain :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanksā€¦ cool and yeah gimmicky.

More importantly though, Cat also gives the needed AoE atk ratio so he can actually hit enough mobs to share the damage via link.


So does the power staff exist.

yes. WTS > powerstaff on Orsha 10m

Implying that powerstaff is relevant :X

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of course it is. pls buy



they get before us, but not the on/off button ā€¦we get that 1st lol

the staff for this build isnā€™t bad, isnā€™t? if stack a lot of matq, will be a good weapon, no? i donā€™t see many options beside five hammer/arde or some fire atq off hand with agny.

You need the AoE ratio from Five Hammer and probably Sissels (i mean gladiator bands) to be able to hit that group of monster and use your JP properly.


  • JP can link 10 monsters at lvl 15
    • Five Hammer can increase your Aoe Ratio + 5 = 6
    • Two Gladiator Bands can increase your Aoe Ratio by +2 = 8
    • Summon Familar can increase your Aoe Ratio by +5 (at lvl 5) = 13
    • Add an AoE ratio headgear for good measure. (not needed i guess, you can stack more Elemental Damage on headgear)

Edit2: You can actually drop the Gladiator Bands now that i think about it. Errrm. Really cheap and gimmicky build

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u mean glad band? xD the sorc pet will give some nice AAR as well.

I see, the familiar give just 1/2 AAR? even at lvl 5? D:

seems really fun build haha