Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Doesn’t seem weird to me.
If you put points in Kneeling Shot as an Archer C3, you may decide to put your Bazooka points elsewhere.
Not everyone will go the Archer C3 path, so might as well provide some choices.

It depends on what skills we can use in bazooka tbh. If we can use all cannon skills, then there is literally no point for kneeling shot since bazooka is a 50% damage increase.

Don’t worry fam just get Ausrine, Missile Hole or r7 and you will be fine.

what if you can use kneeling shot + bazooka at the same time?

cant kneeling shot + bazooka :confused:

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bazooka + skills

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bazooka setting time seem a bit faster. Still too much time to use for mobile grind IMO.

thanks for the clip

Did Golden Bell Shield get really buffed or nah?

worth putting 5 points in bazooka?

so with this update, bazooka now is like kneeling shot version of cannoneer right? (since can use other cannon skills now)

Simplification of game like you propose quickly lead to making it uniteresting. This will end like Diablo 3 or Tera - you have 2 stats: damage and toughness(effective hp), no % imminity, everything is deminishing returns. This is just boring. The game must have one-shots and invulnerability, which can be avoided and outplayed. Not like Lineage - select target, turn the screen off and press f1-f2-f3 and win if your equip is better.

It increased duration of stigma debuff but reduced the tick rate for the mastema attribute from 0.5s per tick to something like 1s per tick ie: 10 total hits to 20 total hits

i agree about the outplayed part, however granting immunity vs certain skills on a simple buff or via passiv statue has nothing to do with player skill or getting outplayed. Its lame and boring and causes balance issues, as these will easily become MUST HAVE skills for the whole class which you have to pick to be viable. Its not based on personal skill whatsoever…

Are there videos with Kneeling shot + Cannon skill interaction. I want to see how does it fair against Bazooka.

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Next archer hidden class confirmed!?


Basically an OST Cover competition, where you download the given ost, based on that, make the cover and upload it on youtube, then give the video to nexon.
Total amount of prize is 10million won (with the 1st prize being 5million won …its in the list, go read)

Almost nothing mentioned lol
Just that new event will start
And about optimization in progress (probably like us right now)

Never thought this build become this good