Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

That’s what I was talking about on discord…My guess is that the class will have silk strings attached to their arrows which causes disable, similar to what happens to full draw I think? :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is false you cant use any RC skills while becoming a Giant.

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It does not matter really.
wugu2 still better aoe and single target dps than cannon2. They need major overhaul of cannonneer. But i doubt they even playtest game.

Puppeteer is the reason why I’m still holding on in this game. I’m excited!

Aww I thought it will look good based on those pieces… of cloth or whatever we saw before… But anyway it looks even better. It’s rly pretty. I love it. :smiley:

Are you saying this for ktos?

puppeteer is one of the main reasons i even tried this game out

I’m sure it’s actually: “Kore ga watashi no ikari” 「これが私の怒り」 = “this is my wrath”

I’m hearing it alot now that I reset my Bokor Priest to Cleric Krivis (soon to be Pardoner Taoist for the scrolls :D)

You forgot to show them your Nulis bruh

Can you guys stop doing that herre? - there is a whole two topics to bash soviet if you want to, this is a K-effing-TOS general thread.


  • I get so frustrated when my notification for this thread brings me to stupid things like that.
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125k ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Soviet is already a proven hook64 user but staff responded by deleting thread regarding it and the cheater is still healthy and alive. You cant really blame those people unless soviet is your friend.

You can try to mute this thread. It helps.

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I actually like this thread, unless it derails like that, hence why I watch it.
Untill yesterday I did at least.

p.s. i do not think the proof was legitimate. I can make a video prooving someone else cheated as well, even if they did not. - but again that is off topic and I don’t really care who cheated or who didn’t.
What I care is, I WANT 125k people on iToS!!!

Was wondering wtf is going on with that hand on the right

Soviet starts the off topic here.


If IMC ever fixes the bugs/exploits etc we have had since beta, maybe players would come back. Also axe gatcha boxes, these are not Asian servers. Well most of them aren’t.


I do agree with you on all you said here. I wish they would realize that our market is different from their market.

I hate when paying for the game turns into gambling, i dont mind paying for tokens. but I do mind when non-cosmetics become available through Gacha and Premium shops. Those red/blue elexirs are prime example of P2W, what next? 315 orange weapon box?

I just wish we never get that other gacha with practo and shards


new attribute, 50% chance to reduce the stamina cost of double punch by 50% (unsure if a buff or just a passive like skill)
Worthless, stamina is not an issue

Energy blast cast time reduced 0.5 -> 0.25 per level
damage is still crap and easily interrupted

golden bell cooldown reduced 180 -> 120
still too long and needs to be channeled

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Nobody is coming back until cheats like Soviet are perma banned. You really don’t get it do you? You don’t have any idea how widespread exploiting was do you? It was a big reason people quit Itos a few months back, apart from bugs and lag. Then now you have a very well known RMT/Hook making threads on the forums like everthing’s fine? What sort of impression is this giving to potential returning veteran players?

Oh I just realized you’re in the same guild as them. That explains the response.


This is supposed to be kTOS related contents discussion thread, not for showing something from iTOS and then focusing on discussing it.

By the way, since the evidence is clear, we all know who is the cheater. However, the more we discuss about him, the happier he is. So just ignore him, like we don’t see his post and focus on kTOS contents only. I think it is not worth to waste post count on this thread just for a cheater from iTOS, huh? :slight_smile: