Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Omg tht would be entirely useless lol , whats the point having only wiz skill for magic missile quickcast when most ppl who goes rc already taken wiz3 and uses quickcast to charge rune … lol

And whats the point having quickcast if we have no other skill to use xD

magic misile for life? lol

because they want to support the meta builds, i don’t have archer 2 with my cannoner, i’m fked here >.<.

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was an example, you can use all Wizard base class skills, and as far as i remember you can also use rune caster skills while giant since like 2 - 3 patches ago

Im devastated T.T i was expecting to use other class skills sigh

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is the new warcry attribute available at circle 2? whats its max level? this should be helpful in parties :slight_smile:

C3, no idea on max level, im guessing 5?

My sentiments exactly. It’s like they completely forgot [bazooka] even exists.

no love for monk. :disappointed_relieved:


what do you mean? charge time cut in half for energy blast is good start, also Double punch thing is aite too

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sad that its a c3 attribute. im already thinking of builds to make use of that warcry other than going fencer/dop =))

They just need to change Golden Bell Shield behavior to work like NPC Mob GBS and stop making lame excuses, Monk C3 is an alternate build to Oracle C1, Miko, Kabbalist C1 And Plague Doctor C1…


omg, I just got to Cannoneer recently and spent my Archer C3 (which I took at R6, shitbuild confirmed i know :DD ) skill points, WITHOUT getting any kneeling shot. Welp.

What’s the difference for mobs? IIRC they have it like a buff that stays while they move around and fight as usual?

Oh yes, Golden Bell definitely needs some fundamental change like that to become good.

It’s still ■■■■ until they put a damage boosting buff on DWA, it’s still bloody AA-3.0.


What’s this? /20chars

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Puppeteer. The animation resembles a female archer running.


So, how much of this has been added to the Korean client? Just the costume? Thx for posting anyway

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It was datamined recently.

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I can’t even imagine what kind of skills this class will have :S… and I like that xD

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