Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Wait what?!!! What just happened?

Pardoner 3 decatose =
1.5k silver cost per cast.
1.5k silver return per target.

2 fireballs => 3k silver return.
1.5k profit

No big profit sadly (nobody is pardoner 3ā€¦).

Maybe if you hit 10+ fireballs at once you might be a silver factory?

Do we have anyway to replace our itos-jpvoice with that jtos-jpvoice?

if iĀ“m not mistakenā€¦we already have the new jtos voice audio

Iā€™m using the Japanese voice pack (my character is Male) and most that I heard from the video was in-game already. Canā€™t say the same for female tho

I sure i heard ā€œOrega watashino hikariā€ on my krivis when casting zaibas, is that the new vvoices?

At your own risk.
People have been using it without any issue since beta, though.

If itā€™s a new voice line you hadnā€™t heard before the latest major patch, then yeah, itā€™s one of the new voice lines.

Amusing, isnā€™t it?

The chance is really low thoughā€¦10% iirc.

Yes it is.
I havenā€™t seen pardo3 in ages. :pensive:

I playing cleric right now. checked about krivis/oracle skill already.
seem like still use old jp-sound.
Checked on full draw-multishot . still use old jp-sound too.

I think we still donā€™t have new jp sound yet. too bad miko donā€™t have any sound so I canā€™t check about that.

Why the f*ck are they using WINAMP? I thought I was watching an old videoā€¦ Jesus Christ!

Grats on the 40F clear! Iā€™ll need to try harder for 40-60F.

Emoticon plus package:

39 TP for 23 new emoticons.

@Anarth Pardoner3 + fireball has been fixed.


typically IMC :sparkles:

even emoticons have cost now hue~


Early Translation Please :


reduced cooldown for Warcry 50 -> 42

Warcry new attribute increases duration of debuffs on the enemy by 1*attribute level


Jolly roger reduces stamina consumption of double weapon assault by 5% per skill level

Rune Caster

Wizard skills now usable while using rune of giants


Mastema duration increased from 5 seconds to 20 seconds (unsure if the DoT also aplies here or only the change of race to demon/holy damage increase)


general cannoneer change - cannoneer skills have increased crit chance while in kneeling shot

all skills aoe increased by 20%

siege burst cast time reduced by 50%

siege burst new attribute: getting hit doesnt cancel the casting of siege burst

new attribute for C2 cannoneer, further increases critchance (or crit rate) during kneeling shot by 1%*attribute level

new attribute, 50% chance to reduce the stamina cost of double punch by 50% (unsure if a buff or just a passive like skill)

Energy blast cast time reduced 0.5 -> 0.25 per level

golden bell cooldown reduced 180 -> 120


Is it confirmed RC can use every Wiz skill ? Wow giant levitation blood curse incoming :o

Only the ā€˜change race to demon/dark typeā€™ is changed to 20seconds.
They want more ā€˜party play with clericsā€™ so they think 5s duration was too short. This skill changes enemy type similar to druid chortasmata, kino raise, etc. => promote teamplay.

Edit: their concern about monk golden bell shield is funny.

Before we buff golden bell shield more - we are concerned about the effect that invincible skills could have on various game content.


why the ā– ā– ā– ā–  kneeling shot and not BAZOOKA???


pretty sure it actually means Wizard base class, as in magic missile and quick cast lol